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Monday, April 30, 2018

Jack Russell Egrets

Savannah Sparrow

Although we also walk, and park, starring out the windows in pursuit of little birdies, we do a lot of road birding. This leads to some interesting interchanges.

A quartet of Long-tailed Ducks on the Mohawk yesterday

"Stop, quick, there's a big white bird on the bank of so-and-so's pond! Might be a Great Egret"

Osprey hunting over an Amish pond

A hurried look for traffic in either direction and we cruise to the side of the road. What IS that bird!?!?

Bonaparte's Gulls
So cute and they sound like squeaky toys too

Drag up the bins and peer.

And peer.

And peer some more.

Well, dang,

It's not a bird. It's so-and-so's Jack Russell Terrier, sitting on the edge of the pond peering back at us. 

And so it goes. Birding for the lame, halt, and half-blind at its finest.


Terry and Linda said...

Thank you for the smile! Love the beaver house!

threecollie said...

Linda, you would be amazed by the level of beaver activity around here this year. They are everywhere! Nearly causing road floods in several areas where we go.

lisa said...

The other day a saw where there is over 85 million birders in the US. I thought of you right off the bat!

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Ha ha! Sounds like you bird the way I flower hunt. So many times I have screeched to a halt or swerved quickly to the side of the road to investigate what looked to be some fabulous rare species, only to find it some common weed-- after nearly causing an accident to the honking, one-finger-saluting driver behind me.

threecollie said...

Lisa, lol, that is pretty cool!

Jacqueline, I am all too familiar with that salute! lol