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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

COOL is Cool

Not a beef cow, but certainly a product of the USA

Country of Origin Labeling that is. It's good to know where food is grown and under what set of standards.

I'd rather not buy imported produce if given the choice. Same goes for meat. Our inspection standards are far superior to those in many other countries, and I prefer to give our neighbors the business....and money....if possible.

However, it seems that FSIS is allowing foreign beef to be plainly labeled as a product of the USA.


You can read about it here. Petition for Rulemaking on "Product of USA" Labeling

You can leave your own comment here.


Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Thanks for alerting us to these improper practices.

Jan said...

Unbelievable...why are we even paying taxes. Thanks for the warning.

threecollie said...

Jacqueline, it is so frustrating to me that big companies like JBS Swift have so much influence on policy and American farmers and ranchers almost none. This has been going on for decades, getting worse all the time.

Jan, sometimes you wonder, eh?

Terry and Linda said...

BAH! I'm right with you on this. Thanks for letting us know!

threecollie said...

Linda, enough to make you mad, isn't it!