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Sunday, August 26, 2018

First Bird

Carolina Wren, one of my favorite birds

Four Northern Cardinals tuning up at 5:48 AM. So much later than in early summer, and so many fewer players in what passes for dawn chorus these days.

Still, a hosanna of redbirds is a pretty nice way to start the day...and the echo off the side of the heifer barn is like surround sound for birders. Pretty soon the Carolina Wren will start complaining and the sun will get to sunning and it will be morning again for real.


Once the sun came up I went out hunting warblers. Migration has begun even if it is kinda quiet still. Didn't see a thing atall for most of my usual walk. Even the little copse along the driveway where there is almost always something, yielded only a Downy Woodpecker. I thought about going inside for more coffee. That second cup was screaming its siren song. I persevered instead.

Terrible shot of a Blue-winged Warbler

Good thing. A Pine Warbler soon flew over my head and landed right in front of me. Life bird. New bird for the farm. New bird for me in the state and county. Alas, I only got a photo of the Blue-winged Warbler it was flocking with, but I got a great look and am comfortable with the ID. I saw one this spring actually, but it was such a fleeting look that I didn't count it. This one though was very clear and easy.

Thus a good morning all around. Bring on the warblers!


Jacqueline Donnelly said...

A lifer! Congrats on seeing that Pine Warbler. I have never seen one, only heard them high in the trees, confusing me in late spring when I wonder if they are Juncos leaving us or Pine Warblers arriving. I'm glad you were able to overcome your regret at not getting a photo. Sometimes when I can't get a photo of some remarkable thing I have seen, I almost feel as if it didn't count -- a very bad attitude indeed.

threecollie said...

Jacqueline, I would rather get a photo of every new or unusual bird, but sometimes, especially with flittery warblers, it just isn't possible. This guy sat right in front of me long enough for a good look, but not long enough to get the lens cap off and the camera up. Been looking hard for one for several years though and studying The Warbler Guide, so I felt okay about listing him. And thanks!