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Thursday, August 16, 2018

Hate to tell you This

It may only be the 16th of August, but it is unofficially Fall, no matter what the calendar says.

Harvest season.

Freezer filling time.

Yup, the putting up food gene has kicked in. We've been begrudgingly harvesting and processing snap beans and freezing blueberries for the upcoming season of silver and slate, and then, suddenly, today, it became an urgent matter to blanch some corn and cut it off the cob and freeze it.

Plans are being made to travel down south to buy up a pick-up full of garden goodies for later.

Maybe the Greyzini will get done today too......

Sorry about that and all....but the time is coming, all too soon....


joated said...

In the process of turning a half bushel of peaches into canned peaches (and maybe some jam), and cucumbers into bread-and-butter pickles to go along with the already saved blueberry jam, frozen blueberries, zucchini cakes, banana peppers, etc. (Blackberries and raspberries disappeared on cereal and ice cream as soon as they were picked.)

Fall is right around the corner.

Jan said...

I'm not ready for any of this.

Linda said...

I don't want fall...although, it looks like it is almost here.

threecollie said...

Joated, you and Terry are absolutely awesome! I read of your canning and pickling adventures on FB and was much impressed. Alas, no preserving today here....too rainy to pick anything

Jan, I am not either, although it has been a fairly unpleasant last half of summer.

Linda, same here. Trees are already beginning to change in some spots.