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Friday, September 07, 2018

Moody River

The Schoharie is technically a creek and sometimes that name even fits. However, down here at its confluence with the Mohawk, which is a river, it is much more than a creek. It seems silly to call it one.

My, how the old Erie Canal aqueduct loves the early morning light. It's not in Ireland but it looks as if it should be doesn't it?


Jacqueline Donnelly said...

What a lovely spot to spend a morning! And with avian company, no less!

threecollie said...

Jacqueline, it was very beautiful, but I went as fast as I could. The mosquitoes were staggering. I had enough 40% DEET Repel on to repel an elephant and still had them four at a time on one finger when trying to scan for ducks. I am just not intrepid enough for that. lol