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Friday, January 25, 2019

Hard to Find

Exciting birds this time of year, but we have searched out a few. A Common Redpoll on the feeder. Just one, but nice to see.

More Cooper's Hawks and Rough-legged Hawks than I have ever seen before, sometimes three or four of each on a single short drive.

And this young Red-tailed Hawk we found last night down at Schoharie Crossing SHS. He didn't want to fly and only sailed a few feet above the ground maybe a quarter of the way down the little alfalfa field there.

After that he walked. As you can see his (or her) crop is pretty full and he is wet as a bird can get, so maybe that was all that was wrong. Dunno. We contacted a local rehabber. Not much else we could do.

Finn is becoming a fine squirrel deterrent btw. He wants them and they would prefer not to meet him.

Any thoughts on this weird little guy? Clearly a White-throated Sparrow..
But what's with all those stripes? Only one like this.


Jan said...

Finn obviously sees the evil nature of the noisy rodents

Terry and Linda said...

That is one very wet bird. I hope he/she is okay

threecollie said...

Jan, he does! He is a good boi!

Linda, He was gone yesterday when we went down, whether to safety or otherwise i guess we will never know.

Cathy said...

That different fella looks like a cross with a song sparrow.

threecollie said...

Cathy, that is just what I thought too. It is not too different from the other birds, but you can pick it out of the flock instantly when it comes in. Alas, I have been sick and it is just too cold to go outside for a better photo.