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Thursday, July 11, 2019

That's Farming

Not our corn, but isn't it purdy?

The day started before five yesterday and the last of the hay was barely unloaded before 10 PM. However, it was a very good day in that after all the awful weather we have experienced in recent months, Ralph and Liz put around 800 bales in the mow.

Fueling the Mulberry Express

They worked stupid hard to do it and it was really hot. I am kinda proud of them. There are a couple of small windrows to catch up today, tedder tires to fix, and a few other odds and ends, ....for now at least...hopefully before the rain. Well done, guys.


Jan said...

Our chance of summer rain is always less than 5%. Wish we could have some of yours.

Terry and Linda said...

I love your red, red, flowers. I am hoping mine will bloom soon...I am so looking forward to them.

threecollie said...

Jan, I wish the same. For once most of the hay was cleaned up before the rain hit, but hit it did. I suspect there is some flooding this morning, as it really came down yesterday and then rained all night.

Linda, these are not the same as the ones I sent you. I would love to send you some of these, but I gave almost all of them to my daughter-in-law the other day. If what I have left come back I will see if I can.