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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Gentle Curve of Summer

After endless rain the dry is downright welcome. Things are simmering right along, summer style....goldfish in the garden pond, laundry on the line, day lilies coming in golden, corn lilies glowing in the ditches along the road.

Wild chicory proving that Chicken Little was right all along. Is there a bluer blue in any natural thing? I don't think so.

Bee balm riotous red in bloom, seducing Ruby-throated Hummingbirds one and all. 

Long days, quiet nights sparkling with fireflies, hay crisping in the fields, rustling under the rake, and thumping up into the mow. Ah, summer....

Idyllic indeed.

Try to ignore the plugged mow elevator, flat tedder tires, and other assorted ills and annoyances. 

It is not snowing. The wind when it blows is a welcome cooling agent, summer vegetables are readily available, and there is more green than any other color.

Summer is good. I am most thankful for it.


Jan said...

We feel ungrateful to find something wrong with summer.

Terry and Linda said...

Me too! I love each and every moment of SUMMER! Your photos and words are just perfect

threecollie said...

Jan, this is true. And when I think about how short it is and what comes next.....

Linda, the flowers! The skies! The birds! Fields! Hills, forests, valleys and rivers! True love!

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Oh yes! Summer is GOOD! And your words and photos distill the very best parts of it. Thank you for bringing us into your milieu in such a way that we can savor it.