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Friday, November 01, 2019

Rocky Top

No, we don't live in Tennessee, but there has been some discussion....or North Carolina....I like NC a lot.

However, we do live on top of a large hill with an even bigger one rising to the south behind us. 

Ever since I met the boss he has lamented that hill....which I quite understand. It was always a problem getting the milk truck in. He used to rise at 2 or 3 AM to come up and plow out on tanker day when we lived in town. Sometimes he had to plow over and over again all day just to keep things cleared out.

I got stuck in the house driveway many, many times, until we finally bought a 4-wheel drive. Not that I can't drive...it's just that steep.

However, on mornings like this, as I sit here listening to the wind and reading flood warnings from local authorities, I am glad of the hill.

I am worried about what sunup is going to show about that driveway though. We spent a buncha bucks putting down good surface last year, but we have had some terrible rain. The TOP (!!!!) has a big ditch through it this morning. The top never washes.

 I hate to think what the bottom looks like. We got some stone in yesterday to fix a hole up by the stove. It could be that some of that may have to be put down at the bottom of the drive instead. 

Anyhow, I have been grateful for the hill a number of times over the years and I still am this morning.

That is all.

Stay safe out there friends.

Update, the flooding around the region is horrific and ongoing. We are fine but there are a lot of places that aren't. 


Jan said...

Flooding is frightening. Being above it is worth the inconvenience I would think.

Terry and Linda said...

I hate to think of all the new surface destroyed, but I'm glad you folks are at the top of the hill, therefore, safe!

threecollie said...

Jan, the damage from this one has been horrific, but I am astonished by how fast repairs are being done. Amazing!

LInda, thanks, we are grateful too