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Thursday, March 19, 2020


A young friend shared this fun draw a bird thing and so I did

And babysitting. The girls are working all the hours they can while the getting is good.  So the boss and I are home pretty much all the time.

We woke up yesterday to a dead furnace fan. Many thanks to friends and family from all over the US who offered suggestions on where to find a new one with everything closed or crippled. It took all day but the boss bought one in Albany, rewired it, spent hours installing it, and it is rumbling quietly away right now, taking off the chill of still-winter-in-the-Northeast.

I have always been glad I married a farmer, never more than now......Not every fellow would know how to do that stuff. And thank God for technology. Where would we be right now if we couldn't communicate or entertain ourselves?

This is the one of three neck-banded Canada Goose we have found this year.

Each day's news brings more madness. 

And less birding. Good thing I have a stock of seed on hand to fill the feeders. Scored a year bird despite being stuck at home...an Eastern Phoebe has showed up in the hedgerow along the long lawn.

In my Facebook feed I am seeing both small farmers who have lost their commercial customers for eggs and similar farm products and townspeople finding shelves in stores empty of same. Hope these folks can get together somehow. Nothing like farm fresh eggs. 

In other news, Peggy is making a book....All off her own bat with neither help nor influence from her staff. She made a bunch of highly colorful paintings and stuff and is carefully and patiently gluing them together with a cover made from cardboard. I will grab a pic if I get a chance. It is going to be a pretty darned nice book I think. 

Hope you are all well and coping somehow with both the demise of our culture and economy and the threat to our health. Must be getting used to it I guess, as I slept through the night last night for the first time in a while. Take care.....


Terry and Linda said...

Like you I'm so glad I have a farmer for a husband, it there really isn't much that they can't do or figure out how to do.

threecollie said...

Linda, that is so true! It would have cost us hundreds to do that work and the last time we had a "professional" do furnace work for us he wired the motor to run backwards. The end result was very little heat and a really big explosion that took out the firebox on our oil furnace!