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Friday, March 20, 2020

Survival Tip #442

Pick up the phone.

Make that keyboard sing.

Call your mother.

Chat with a friend on Facebook.

Video conference with friends and loved ones.

It helps.

A lot.

A short virtual visit with a dear friend half-way across the country yesterday....

A quick conversation with our boy before he started work in New Jersey this morning...

Solving the world's problems and laughing over stories from the past on the phone every evening with my beloved mama...

Powerful medicine in this time of wild uncertainty.

Hope you are all safe and well, adequately supplied with what you need and not going too crazy yet. The girls and the boss worked together to get me out for about a half and hour's birding yesterday and that helped too....


Terry and Linda said...

It is crazy times. The UPS driver told me he saw a fight over toilet paper with store clerks having to guard the box and divvy up the packages. Sigh!

threecollie said...

Linda, yeah, it is getting ugly. And a little scary. There was a post that some of my professional friends shared with some seemingly well-researched data, that urged caution but calm. It was taken down as violating standards. Now that is troublesome!