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Monday, April 20, 2020

The Straws

That broke the collective lock down backs seem to have been boat launches and golf courses.

It appeared to me all through this that our illustrious goobernor wanted a new headline every week, "Look what I'm doing to save you!" so each week he announced yet another stricture in the lives of his subjects. Many of them were fairly sensible and sensible people were probably adhering to them anyhow.......

However, there were some that were plumb senseless. Golf courses had been left open, as most people are able to observe recommended distances while whacking little white balls in the great outdoors. The ones who weren't going to follow those concepts probably weren't doing so anywhere else either.

Same with boat launches. The boss and I visit a boat launch pretty near every day, preferably early in the morning when the birds are out and the people aren't. 

Although marinas were one of the early things closed boat launches were still okay until last week's go round of new rules and regulations. It was disconcerting in the extreme to meet a ranger going into the park as we were going out....would we have been in trouble for birding? Dunno, but it was a concern and an unnecessary added stress.

Anyhow, talk about a tipping point. Or a back breaking straw if you prefer. Most of my Facebook experience up to the boat and white ball strictures consisted of people arguing mildly and calling each other stupid, but in a routine, this is Facebook after all, sort of way.

After the boat launch/golf course thing I was invited to join a number of secret protest groups full of rabid people who were really, really, really outraged about the deal. Memes popped up like dandelions in a shaggy lawn. And yes, I did join the groups, but soon had to hide most of their output as it was just more people calling each other stupid only in an angrier sort of way.

There was no joy in Upstateville to put it mildly.

I predicted, aloud so I have witnesses, that the first things reopened again had better be boat launches and golf courses and that it had better happen in the next couple of days or there would be an uprising and good ideas would go down with the bad..

Lo and behold.....look what happened.

Sometimes there is nothing like a swift backpedal, or should I say backpaddle, to calm restless waters.....


tryon1@frontiernet.net said...

Since I have no reason to be at either of these locations, this has no effect on my life. Selfish? Maybe. Maybe just human. Since both are in the great outdoors, maybe it is sensible.
I long for the world to return as I know it, but am ok with waiting too as long as you are willing to get my groceries, and my mail, and take out our trash.
Love you daughter.
Mom and Dad

Terry and Linda said...

Terry and I think our Governors have gone 'drunk with power' with all this closing and ordering and well--- stopping people from working and living.

threecollie said...

Mom, we are always willing even if interactions with people make this introvert grumpy. We will get through this somehow. Meanwhile I am really happy that I can bird the boat launch without getting arrested by the rangers. Went down for a minute this morning in fact but the wind and cold had the birds all hiding somewhere else. Love you!

Linda, I agree. This is a nasty disease and we need to take precautions to limit it. We also need to eat and pay our bills. Don't imagine our governor is going to let us off without paying them for sure. Hang in there dear friend.