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Monday, June 15, 2020

Working Moms

We were birding a favorite swamp when this
Belgian foal came thundering up the road,
already heavy with the strength and power soon to come
He was pretty cute from my POV although I am not sure
his mom shared my opinion

Working mom driving the skid steer up to the field for stray bales

Doesn't she look thrilled to have her picture taken?

And working dads and kids too!

Been outdoors every spare minute lately, so I haven't been on here much. Can't let a day in June pass unexploited, as they are the best the year has to offer. Found orange mint down in Middleburg the other day, which was a really big deal. Mine all froze out and it is super hard to get.

Anyhow, enjoy these days. They won't last and every second must be savored. Take care.

Expert friends, can you help me ID this plant? Thanks!


Cathy said...

" . . . .the best the year has to offer." So true!

(I'm betting Jonna can help you with that plant:)

Stay well.

Terry and Linda said...

What a fun upbeat positive post...just like you always do!

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

I believe your plant is False Indigo (Amorpha fruticosa). I first saw this plant on Valcour Island in the middle of Lake Champlain. It's not native to New York, but I have never heard that it's considered to be invasive. An interesting find!

threecollie said...

Cathy, there is nothing to compare with a cool June morning. Nothing in the world! And Jonna did indeed know just what it was.

Linda, thanks, there is a lot of bad, but I don't like to look at it

Jacqueline, thanks! I am so tickled to know. It grows all along the river and creek bank in the sprawling Schoharie Crossing historical site. I never notice it until it blooms in spring and I have always wondered. Thanks again.