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Thursday, October 08, 2020

The Little Ones were Terrified


The storm yesterday was almost unprecedented for its sudden violence and pointless brevity....it only lasted a very short time but in that time it did horrendous harm.

There was plenty of warning via news media, but the sky and air were ful of lies. It was calm and nice all day.

However, the boss had planned to put the car up on the top lawn when he came home from getting Becky from work. But then Liz went and picked her up. We were talking about the coming storm when it hit.

It was like the very devil. The cottonwood that is my wind speed measure was whipping and lashing in circles, tethered to the ground only by its roots. Why it didn't come loose and fly up into the sky is beyond me. I said to the boss, "You'd better go move the car."

He was out in a flash, but no more than had he gone out the door, when the storm kicked it up a notch. BAM. A big notch.

"The tree came down," Liz hollered as she looked out the kitchen window.

"Get out of this room," I urged. "Go, go now."

Poor Peggy was frightened and crying. We put her in the center of the house while we ran around like chickens with our heads missing.

Then, "Where's dad? OMG he's out in this and we can't see the car."

"No, there it is, he got it up on top, but where is he?"

Nowhere to be seen.

Then he came in. He said the tips of the top branches brushed the back of the car as he raced up to the top lawn.

As soon as the weather ratcheted it down to blue skies and butter-wouldn't-melt brisk breezes he went out and sawed and pushed with the skid steer for two and a half hours. It barely made a dent in the mess, but at least we can get out of the house now.

There are two more trees over the driveway that will have to come down today too...just box elders, but another big job.

As bad as it was we were fortunate. The tree was touching the roof for at least six feet before the storm but the wind lifted it right off without taking the roof with it. We still have a husband, father, and grandpa of whom we are quite fond...that was a real close one. I am still reliving the what ifs.

Others were less lucky. Facebook is full of photos of damage with power still out in some areas. However, the most moving one was of two little ones we know. Their home farm got nailed pretty hard and the family was racing to clean up and repair.....They looked just as frightened and sad as poor Peggy was.

Hope you are all okay today, and sorry about the damage and messes everyone is facing. That was a bad one. 


tryon1@frontiernet.net said...

So glad you are all safe. Great pictures. Love Mom.

Ontario Wanderer said...

Glad you all survived without house, car, and person damage. Looks like it was a nasty one. Reminds me of the storms we used to have in Kansas. I've not seen one that bad here in Ontario but perhaps we have just been lucky as others have had nasty storm damage.

threecollie said...

Mom, thank you, love you too.

OW, it was a bad one. Spawned a tornado just west of here, and we certainly saw some trees whipping in circles. The way it picked the huge branches off the roof has me suspicious, but glad in a way that the roof was saved by that action.

Unknown said...

So Sorry sweet Peggy was frightened as well - I think I know those two other little ones who were fearful as well ��. Thankful all is well now - certainly a huge reminder to always respect Mother Nature and her power! Beautiful article as always MaryAnn.

Terry and Linda said...

WHEW! I am so glad Ralph is okay. And the roof is okay...and the car was okay...MAN I am so glad for all of you!!!