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Sunday, February 07, 2021

Ice Harvest



aurora said...

SO cool! I love seeing horses being useful.

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Amazing to see! But of course, the Amish in your region still drive horse-drawn buggies, so they would not have electric refrigerators, would they? I am old enough (78) to remember our early home had an ice box, and guys would haul big blocks of ice up the stairs to our apartment over my dad's marina store. The olden days! Ha ha! We also had a crank telephone (you turned a crank to get the operator, who placed your call) and we were on a party line. Our ring was one long, two short. (Isn't it odd that I can remember that, but not the name of a book I read last week?) We had lots of Amish folks around, too, in lower Michigan. The kids left public school after the 8th grade. Your photos brought back lots of memories!

threecollie said...

Aurora, I was tickled to grab a couple of quick shots from a moving car. Ice harvest fascinates me, as the Amish are relatively new to our area. However, Ralph's dad used to harvest ice on the river and had some amazing stories of same. Wish I could find the newspaper column I wrote some years ago about a kid riding the last block down the chute to the ice house. Guess there was quite a crash.

Jacqueline, I used to have my grandma's old icebox, which she had used in her home and later relegated to the family camp. I can remember it in use as well. It was replaced by one of those jobbies on legs, with the big, round compressor on top. Crank phones were gone by the time I was a kid, and I am just ten years younger than you, but we did play with old ones in Dad's shop. We had a party line though, and I can remember the awful frustration when I wanted to talk to my boyfriend....lol. Amish kids still leave school in 8th grade around here, according to Ralph. Stay warm!

Terry and Linda said...

That was Neat! Is always so fun to see how the world works someplace else besides here.