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Sunday, March 14, 2021

Magical Morning

There was nothing shaking when I took the dog out at Daylight Savings o'clock. It was still dark and, as much as the Interstate would allow, silent.

We went in and had some ball playing and kibble tossing, coffee making and the like, and then I just had a feeling. It was maybe twenty after six, new time.

Out with the coffee I went.

Bald Eagle

Down on the river a few gulls were whining and crying...such a lonesome, mournful sound. Geese were murmuring and chattering quietly; the stars were winking out against a pink and orange sky. And then it came....the chuck, chuck, chuck of a woodcock's wing as it circled over the heifer pasture.

For as long as I could bear to stand in the windy yard, armed only with rapidly cooling coffee and my fuzzy reindeer robe, I listened to the sky dance. Such a haunting, mystical sound, and such a sweet and fulfilling start to the day.

It is still cold out there and the wind is shiverish and mean, but my heart is just a little warmer now....thank you Mr. Timberdoodle....thank you very much. 

Sunset at Lock 12


Cathy said...

Poetry. I needed this. Hugs to my poet friend who sees and hears as few are blessed to do.

Shirley said...

Beautiful start to your day! The little things that fill our hearts are as much a gift from God as the big things.

Terry and Linda said...

I love how you see your life, the earth and the sky. I just love you and all your ways.

Ontario Wanderer said...

Our Woodcock arrived a couple of days ago too. Heard it in the evening then it got cold again and it has been silent.

threecollie said...

Cathy, thanks, it surely made my day!

Shirley, it was a joy indeed. I love hearing them

Linda, thank you, you are so sweet

OW, same here. I heard it two warmish days and not a peep...or a peent...since.