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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sunday Stills...Black-and-white


Through a rainy windshield......again...

For more Sunday Stills......


aurora said...

Fantastic photo, and a good choice for B/W. I think the view from the window adds to the message. I've never seen kids riding on the back of a cart like that. Are those goats roaming free?

threecollie said...

Aurora, thanks, we see all kinds of surprising things with the local Amish. Not a bit unusual to see a kid of seven or so driving a pair of Belgians and wagon down the road, or an even younger child alone on a wagon holding the reins while the horses are stopped. Sometimes so many kids are crowded onto a buggy that some of them hang off the sides into the oncoming lane. We just drive really cautiously and hope none of them fall off. The goat like creatures are actually sheep. A whole flock was loose and went tearing across the road just before we got there. Never a dull moment. lol

aurora said...

You really do have to drive cautiously! Our Amish populated areas are a distance from us. I don't see them frequently, but when I do it's typically the black Amish enclosed carts with Morgan type horses pulling them. The only free range sheep/goats I've ever seen were out West for forest/land management. Always supervised by herders and their very (very) defensive Pyrenees. It is catching on around here, but for the most part if you see them roaming they are escapees.

Shirley said...

A dreary day, perfect for black and white.

Val Ewing said...

Beautiful mood. I just adore black and white for that exact reason.

cdncowgirl said...

The rain streaked windshield adds to the mood. Great photo

threecollie said...

Aurora, we are surrounded by several different communities. Some drive the plainest buggies with worn out Standardbreds in harness. Others drive lovely conveyances, well lit and marked, drawn by Saddlebreds in fancy harnesses with much bling. It is a lot easier to see the latter, day or night. Sheep had either escaped or were being moved. I think escaped as their owner was at a dead run behind them, waving his hat and fair hopping along. lol

Shirley, it feels like Ireland around here with all the different kinds of rain. I was glad to read that you are finally getting some!

Val, I rarely think of it, but it is really fun to play with, and thanks.

CDN, thanks! We do need to replace those wipers though. lol

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh I like it!!