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Saturday, November 20, 2021

Opening Day


uiet as a church out there, only echoing moonlight on icy roofs to disturb the peace. I have to wake the dog up to walk him it's so early.

The men will be here soon ready to pursue the gospel according to White Tail out on the frigid hillside. 

It's opening Day, the holiday before Thanksgiving, and it will be dawning soon. The sun will drive away Orion, who is now lurking to the southwest, and dispelling Ursa Major, currently standing on his tail on the ridgepole of the house. 

Wish I was young and tough and could walk out there too. Instead I will sit here, swilling the weak stuff that passes for coffee for folks my age, and remember other years, and other deers.

Best wishes for a safe and fruitful season for all you folks celebrating the winter hunt this morning. Be sensible and all.

And as is traditional, this;

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