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Saturday, January 01, 2022

New Year's Birds

Iceland Gull

The boss and I had quite a day
chasing 2020 birds today. We found 30 species, including some that we would rarely see this early in the year.

Great Black-backed Gulls

We did a little gull gazing and along with the usual suspects found an Iceland Gull. Not a bad bird to see so early. Also found what I thought at first was a Greater White-fronted Goose. I was all excited when I spotted it from the river bridge, but a hike west from the lot by Dunkin got me some better photos and it was a domestic type Graylag Goose. Although it was listed as rare I have seen several of them in the area over the years.

Immature Bald Eagle

Also found a Peregrine Falcon, a Kestrel, a hyper excited Belted Kingfisher that was really noisy, a couple of Bald Eagles, one of which was eating something oddly orange on the river bank.

Peregrine Falcon

A Great Blue Heron was another surprise. Guess they are enjoying all the open water around.

He was game to keep going this afternoon, but it was so foggy I figured it would be a waste of time and gas to chase out in the more distant bits of the county, so we just hit the local river spots and came home. Had a real good time though.

Belted Kingfisher


Terry and Linda said...

Very Nice!

threecollie said...

Thanks, Linda!