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Sunday, January 02, 2022

That Grouse in the Headlights Look

Got to spend the day today participating
in the Johnstown Christmas bird count. It was different in many ways, as I joined an area educator, George Steele, counting his territory, rather than leading the crew through our old area, Mayfield South.

The day started auspiciously despite dismal weather. The first bird was a Barred Owl George called up from a soggy woodland area. It was still dark, but he soon found it with a flashlight and we got great looks before it became annoyed and flew off. George is good enough at imitating owl calls that Merlin recognizes him as a Screech Owl...something we didn't find...unless he is pishing to call birds out of the shrubbery, whereupon Merlin is sure we have found a Barn Owl. 

None of them either, alas. 

This young Bald Eagle didn't seem enamored of the rain at all

The grouse mentioned above was picking gravel out of the road at almost dawn, a dull, dark and gloomy dawn. It sat happily in the light from the headlights, pecking and nibbling and glancing over its shoulder at us, until we simply had to move out of the way of potential traffic. Then it sauntered off the road and flew nonchalantly up the hill nearby.

By dint of a good deal of travel through snow, sleet and thin rain, and a lot of pishing and listening at bits of tempting habitat we ended up with 25 species, ranging from a plethora of Black-capped Chickadees to a drenched and disgusted young Bald Eagle.

All in all not bad for such a dark and rainy day. I tried eBird's new trip report feature, which aggregates all the checklists in a given time period into one report with total bird numbers and other useful information and so far I like it. I think I will use it again for Big Days and similar endeavors.



Unknown said...

Marianne is fine birder to do a Christmas Bird Count with, knowledgeable, enthusiastic, flexible, and she brings along fantastic cookies to munch on between bird discoveries.

threecollie said...

Thanks! It was fun! Liz and I are both glad you enjoyed the cookies.

Linda said...

I would love going on a bird count….they had them in Calgary when I was a kid but it didn’t interest me then🙁

threecollie said...

Linda, what fun that would be!!!! You could come here and chase eastern birds with me, and I could go see your amazing western species. Our life lists would be awesome and it sure would be fun to meet you in real life!