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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

NY Climate Action Plan Links

These may help you form your own opinion.

NYS Press Release

News Story

Farm Bureau Statement

I read the whole press release...warning, it's long, and uses a lot of government speak....

My personal concerns include: funding-this plan is incredibly ambitious and the state already has fiscal problems. Who is going to pay to make all these things happen? I'll bet I can guess.

Then there's the whole walking and biking to replace using vehicles..." increased active transportation such as walking and biking". It's just a tiny part of the whole proposal and is fine perhaps in good weather in the city, but how does that work in rural areas? I like to walk, although I don't bike, and I shoot for my 10,000 steps every day (disclaimer, I'm a lousy shot). However, you cannot walk to the grocery store for a quart of milk if you live five miles out in the country...or at least not if you want the milk to still be not frozen in winter or reman cold in summer...Maybe the walking action could churn some butter in the warmer months.

Eh, I could go on and on, but I won't. You can read 'em yourself and weep...or laugh...or whatever. I have been following this thing since it was proposed and am not surprised much by any of it. The fact that the proposal is called "scoping" puts me in mind of a certain unpopular medical procedure, but that's just me.


Terry and Linda said...

Our governor is doing things sorta like that here. The latest is a law requiring all chickens to be cageless. It starts in 2023 and must be accomplished by 2025. If Foster Farms and our other chicken places move out, most of the farmers will fold here. (in our county) We have other things but I won't go on and on and although, I really want too. :(

threecollie said...

Linda, I get news from a lot of sources including some out your way, so I read some of the stuff. It really seems as if "they" are trying to destroy our food system piece by piece. I love NY, but it isn't easy to live here any more.