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Thursday, February 23, 2023

Nothing Wrong with Leftovers


Some photos I've been saving to use here
that I need to move out of my current photo folder....totally random...

However, we are having leftover Italian sausage vegetable soup for supper tonight and that is a whole 'nother ball game.


Terry and Linda said...

We eat left overs and when we get too tired of them the hens get to have them!

Shirley said...

I like it when I only have to cook a couple times a week and have left overs the rest of the time!
I have so many photos I should just delete.... never seem to get around to it!

threecollie said...

LInda, still working on that soup. Will freeze myself some dinners for nights when I feed the crew things I can't eat.

Shirley, I agree! I really don't mind cooking all that much, but thinking of things to cook is a chore. I am forcing myself to cull, cull, cull my photo library. I have too many!