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Monday, June 19, 2023

What's this Bug?


Actually I believe that these are flies, not bugs, but I would love to know what they are beyond that generality.

We found them a couple of days ago near the Sara Lib Road quarry.

Also, here are some dragonflies that need monikers. 

Thanks in advance! (If they were birds I would either know, or know where and how to look...insects, not so much)

And while we are at it, I forgot the name of this millipede. I don't think it's Milly, but it might be.


Denny144 said...

The bug is a snipe fly, Chrisopilus thoracicus. The dragonfly is a common whitetail. The millipede looks like Apheloria virginiensis.

threecollie said...

Thank you, Denny! I am not much of a bug person and the flies were entirely new to me.