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Saturday, August 07, 2021

Sounds like this Year

But it was back in 2019....

 The Farm Side: Strange objects in the sky

By Recorder News | May 23, 2019 | Local Commentary, Opinion | 

By Marianne Friers 

Sweet Sunday sitting, on the front porch with Miss Peggy, watching birds and discussing the necessity of mowing the lawn.

Maybe we will need to bring the discbine down for a couple of days and possibly the rake and baler too.

Oh, wait, it’s not just too wet to mow with the lawnmower, it’s too wet to bale. 

And besides…it would ruin the flower beds.

Off to the east of us an object rose into the sky. We had just been finding dinosaur heads in the clouds and wondering whether the bird we saw at the absolute zenith of the sky, barely visible without binoculars, was a Bald Eagle or not (later revealed to be an Osprey), when we saw the thing.

At first I thought (with a little shudder) that it was a golden helium balloon. They are lovely, but we all know they are more dangerous to wildlife than grocery bags ever imagined being. I snapped a couple of photos, because I almost always have the camera, and if I didn’t shoot it, it didn’t happen. The little point and shoot we take out birding has amazing zoom.

Peggy was unable to see the sky climbing object, so I zoomed in the back of camera view for her. To my astonishment there was fire in the balloon. Rather than a mere helium balloon, which, if you believe the pundits who write about dead sea turtles, are deadly enough in their own right, this was a fire balloon.

A sky lantern. A sky candle. Or as some call them, a Kongming lantern.

I had never seen one before. I even had to look up the name of the thing that floated ever higher over our orchard and pasture before drifting off to the southwest of us as the day’s thunderstorms rumbled past.

According to several sources these lanterns have been a customary feature of celebration and entertainment for centuries in many countries. Traditionally their structure involves various papers or fabrics and wire or bamboo hoops. A stiff collar at the bottom holds the fuel source and at least in theory keeps it away from the flammable walls. Fuel for the fire part of the deal is supplied by a small candle or waxed material.

Along with the fascination at seeing such an unlikely craft over Fultonville came a small frisson of concern. Aren’t those things dangerous?

First of all it’s flying fire. I know it’s been wet around here…see above. The grass is saturated, leaves hang like wet tissue from the trees, and every body of water is gushing or flooding or swelling with excess. However, supposing the thing landed on a roof, say maybe the roof of a barn full of hay? 

Such devices have started a number of wildfires, burned down a cell tower in North Carolina, caused car accidents, closed airports, and burned down homes and business buildings all over the world. One fire started by a sky lantern in Great Britain caused ten million dollars worth of damage to a recycling facility. The landing of the object was captured on security camera, so there was no question about the source of the inferno.

Even without the potential for fire, sharp objects in fields are clearly a problem. Wires that might be ingested by cows, whether in grass as they graze or in hay or stored forages fed by the farmer, can make them very sick or kill them.

I will never forget milking shiny, gentle, sweet Maqua-kil E Danilla one evening back in the day. She was a nice cow, a family favorite. One of those that did her job without fanfare or kicking the milker off or crowding the crew. She came faithfully to her designated stall, ate dinner, was milked and went back to pasture each day quietly and calmly.

The kids were small then and it was a school night, so as was our practice, I milked my string and took the kids home for supper and early bedtime, while the boss and his mom finished up.

Not ten minutes after we left the phone rang. Danilla was dead. She had lain down in her stall and quietly expired, just like that. The boss immediately called our veterinarian for a speedy necropsy. It was soon discovered Danilla had died of a lacerated liver caused by a piece of sharp metal that had found its way into the feed.

Although many farms, including ours, use magnets in feed delivery systems to catch the offending metal contaminants before they reach the cows, sometimes bits are missed or worse, the metal is not magnetic.

Aluminum is a nasty offender. Beverage cans of all sorts are usually made of it and are often tossed from windows into farm fields, where the soft, easily torn or cut up metal can end up in feed. One estimate claims that 5,200 cows per year die in Sweden from ingesting metal from litter. 

Sadly, many kinds of wire are made of aluminum. 

Who knows what type of metal goes into the construction of flying litter, as one article called the lanterns? I looked at a plethora of ads offering them for sale, but although some claimed to be 100% biodegradable, none had lists of materials or much in the way of details at all.

And even if they don’t contain dangerous metals, who needs flying fire anyhow?

Many countries ban the devices, as do 30 US states. Legislation is being considered here in NY as well. However, we all know just how well banning things, especially things that are fun, works.

Common sense is cheaper and more effective when practiced. Or at least I think so. Meanwhile, floaty, fiery things and dangerous objects which may be consumed by innocent beasts should probably not be sent willy-nilly over fences, fields, and farms. 

There is a bill in committee in the state legislature, which suggests simply tethering the things so they stay where they are wanted. Thanks.


Fultonville dairy farmer Marianne Friers is used to be a regular columnist before the Gazette bought the paper and fired her. She blogs at http://northvilledairy.blogspot.com.

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Sunday Stills...Look Down

It might appear that there's been a bear 
in these here woods...but this is just
the remains of one of the fungi loving all
this rain


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Bird Sounds



I received an email yesterday from the Macauley Library at Cornell that amazed and delighted me. It said, in part, "Dear Marianne, This summer we released Sound ID in the Merlin Bird ID app, and we wanted to thank you for the part you played in this release. 3 of your recordings were used to train Merlin to identify bird sounds based on their spectrograms. Thank you for sharing your media! We could not have done it without your support."

Wow. I have this small and mostly pointless project of populating our home county's illustrated checklist on eBird with as many photos as possible, as well as a few sound recordings. With just a camera, and now thanks to Merlin's new bird sound recognition feature, my phone, to collect them, the quality is not great, as compared to the many dedicated folks who use real sound equipment. (Warning, some of the photos are really bad too, but you can generally ID the bird with them.)

Still, this has been fun for me, and a personal learning tool as well.

To know that a few of my amateur recordings were among the thousands used to train the AI was a really nice side benefit of my pretty much all-consuming hobby. And now I want to go out and record something. 

Fledgling White-breasted Nuthatch

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Sunday Stills....Where you Sit


I am not averse at all to sitting and this is one of my favorite spots....when the wrens will let me that is. They hatched a second batch of little ones this week and are downright snobbish about who comes out here.

For more Sunday Stills.....

This is of course not my photo
However it looks as if I liked sitting
there too.

Saturday, July 24, 2021



Found out what is going on around here. Somebody triggered the Yakushima Rain Ducks.

I found a little family of them where my garden flooded last night and you can just bet there are thousands...maybe millions...more out there.

No doubt it will be all over the news once people spot the little pests. 

In the Jungle


What home feels like

*Update...99% chance of rain tonight

I expect that any day now a troupe of monkeys will swing by on the local grapevines oohing and scratching, as they admire Tarzan's mighty jungle call.

It is so wet now that even though I am indoors and have not been exposed to any actual precipitation...so far today that is.... my skin feels clammy and damp.

You probably know that it has been wet here. Only went two or three days this whole month without measurable precipitation. It rained most of June as well.

Last week one storm was so bad that Fonda, right across the river, flooded horribly, closing both state roads for hours and destroying a lot of people's properties and possessions. It took out our driveway, which is even at the best of times long and arduous, as well. The boss spent hours repairing it with the skid steer.

It didn't even have time for the gravel to settle when....

It did it again.


Last time Liz couldn't get her car down the drive until Ralph fixed it. This time she couldn't get up at all, had to park at the bottom of the barn driveway and walk up and over. Our vehicle, which is a large, heavy, 4-wheel-drive SUV barely made it.

More hours fixing, last night, almost impossible because the gravel is so saturated as to be nearly liquid.

I don't know how much it rained overnight, but the new little garden I built this spring is under water. The entire covered porch is drenched all the way to the back wall, which has NEVER happened before, and the greenery along the driveway has drooped into a sad and soggy tunnel. The area is swathed in muggy, oily, fog, that looks, smells, and feels awful.

The worst of it is, now that the ground is this saturated, every day that it gets warm and then cools off in the afternoon is going to bring still more rain. That's how it works.

At least the corn likes it

Ralph hasn't made a bale of hay in weeks and won't be able to until this pattern changes, which doesn't look to be coming any time soon. Several inches of water on all the fields and I am sure the tractor would sink to the frame if he ventured out there.

We watched a neighbor farmer trying to chop third cutting yesterday. They almost got the field done, but ended up having to quit and leave it.

I believe that we need to build a gigantic fan and blow all the water west and north and south where it could be useful and dry out our region before we start to see those monkeys and wild men swinging on our vines.

Or maybe dolphins swimming in our gardens. 

Doesn't it look innocent?

Friday, July 23, 2021

Fungally Yours

Stumbled on a wonderful state-marked trail the other day
, right next to one of my very favorite in-county birding spots. There is a pair of closed gates at the entrance and I always thought that, like most of the side paths on Sara Lib Road, it was a private lane.

However, the other day I walked up to the gate, where I found state forest markers and red trail markers. Color me excited! 

The trail starts right above the big swamp across from the quarry where we park while I peruse the cattails for the resident Virginia Rails, occasional Common Gallinules, and whoever else might be home on any given day.

I didn't walk far on the trail, as Ralph couldn't see me, and I didn't want him to worry and look for me. Also, although it was deliciously cool in the woods, I was afraid that he might get hot in the car...and he did, so I was glad I cut my walk shorter than I might have liked.

However, even in the little time that I had, I had a wonderful encounter with some Blue-headed Vireos. The male sang and sang until he decided that he didn't like me much.

What a scolding I got then!

With all the rain the woods was dotted with all sorts of fungi, many of which I hadn't seen since my Adirondack hiking days, which were a long, long time ago. Some shown like little lanterns in the softly decaying leaves and litter.

Not a fungus, but I love this log

I cannot wait to go back when I can take more time to hike farther down the trail. Meanwhile it was a thrill to stand many feet above the swamp, where I could look down into it. Although it was high noon that day, so things were quiet, I am hoping for an early morning visit sometime soon.

Anybody want to walk it with me? Slowly...so as not to miss any birds? And softly, softly, catchee monkey? Or maybe a Sora someday...

Thursday, July 22, 2021


Blue Jay kids are brats

The Sitting Porch. Each year birds of one species or another, and even sometimes more than one at a time, nest on the porch where I grow my houseplants in summer...and where I like to sit and watch the valley and observe the occupants of the yard.

With some birds there is no problem at all. Last year a Mourning Dove used an old robin nest and never once flew, even when I sat a few feet away.

American Robins are utterly flighty and ridiculous though, and I hate it when they nest on the pillars. Silly things will not be on the porch at the same time as I am and make a big noise about it too. I usually water the plants quickly and leave them to it. Kind of annoying though, as I like to actually, you know, use, the porch.

No robins this year, but instead a pair of House Wrens. I let them enjoy their fiefdom with their first nest, in the little white house, which Matt and Lisa gave me for my birthday many years ago. For being just a decoration that one has an amazing history of having been nursery to Black-capped Chickadees, Carolina Wrens, and many, many broods of House Wrens.

However, when they came back just a very, very, very short time after fledging their first brood and built a nest in the other box...the red one, a Christmas gift from Alan and Amber...also not intended for birds...I got irritated.

Okay, you guys. You can nest on my porch twice, but this time I am not giving in. I will sit out here when I want to and you can just deal.

Look closely...you can see Mama's beak
at the bottom of the hole

It was as if they read my mind. Instead of panicking every time I wanted to water the banana tree or the petunias, the little hen soon stayed right in the box peering out at me. If she is out to lunch, as long as I sit very still, she comes right up on the porch and settles on her eggs.

Détente is a wonderful thing!

Feed me, Ma!
Feed me!

Along with that happy development, the Blue Jays brought their fledglings in to the feeders for the first time this summer. And after a couple weeks of the very best goodies being served in the little feeder in front of that porch, they even come in and let me photograph them.

No peanuts?


And yes, I am still feeding. A top notch bird expert I follow feels that the bird illnesses (mostly to the south of us) are insect treatment related rather than infectious, and as everybody local seems healthy and happy, I will continue until I see a reason to do otherwise...stop spraying cicadas, will ya?

American Goldfinches
have never been too worried
about my presence on the porch

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Between the Raindrops


Sunday Stills...in my Bag


This challenge could be interpreted a lot of ways I guess. There are a lot of bags in our lives, some of them useful and others preceded with the word "old". 

I haven't carried a traditional woman's purse in decades. However, a camera bag and a utility bag are a whole 'nother story.

From a pocket "chainsaw" and compass, to a portable phone charger, ponchos, sunblock, tasty little mints, and a good, solid, field guide to the birds...oh, and matches. Can't stand not to have matches in case Jack London's To Build a Fire comes true with me in the cast....I have everything I can think of that will fit in these bags.

Plus camera and spare camera and binoculars, without which I would be blind and unable to communicate in my favorite fashion.

Also: fishing license, tick remover, nail clippers, lens cleaners, spare camera batteries, tiny card shaped knife kinda thing, athletic tape and other first aid stuff....and more, much, much more.

For more Sunday Stills....