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Saturday, June 24, 2023

Big Atlas Weekend


Disheveled and downright soggy,
this poor Red-tailed Hawk was being mobbed
by Blue Jays as well as getting wet.
Did I mention it was raining?

Several state breeding bird atlases are having a late June event to get folks out and counting during a very busy time for baby birds.

One of the goals is to get birds discovered and coded in blocks that are not well birded. The block we live in, a priority block, is complete. Somebody who birds like it was their job just happens to be based there....I won't name names, but if you click the link....

Anyhow, the boss was kind enough to take me birding this morning in this block, quite local, also a priority block, and only having two species confirmed. 

It was fun. I used to keep my first-ever, long ago, horse, Magnum, at a farm within the block, so I know the roads by heart after riding them so many times. Things have changed since those Stone Age days though...new houses, new woodlands, no more Red-headed Woodpeckers, which used to be common there.

Savannah Sparrow,
a fairly common grassland bird.

We found two more Common Raven nests on silo platforms, making five that we have observed in Montgomery County now. Also a good showing of grassland birds in the farm fields, a nice group of Veerys, all singing like mad, and assorted other summer visitors.

I am pretty sure we will not, however, even attempt to complete the block. Most places we bird we are a familiar sight and no one pays any attention to us. (Although someone did shoot at us last month!!!) In this new area, we will probably be viewed with suspicion, especially if we try night birding. I don't want to hear the sound of someone racking a round while I'm recording with Merlin.  Also there aren't many good places to pull off the road and there is a lot more traffic than in the Magnum days. 

I did discover that the area where we bird Lyker's Pond is also a priority block, but then again, that's where I heard a rifle nearby and saw the projectile kick up water about thirty feet from me....

Another Common Raven nest on a silo platform

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Juning for Joy


Hey, I'm too darned old to jump....

Last night we visited Rankan Grove Rd. Ext. where there is a little beaver pool with adjacent swamp and a larger, although shallow, beaver pond. We stumbled upon the spot several years ago and it is one of the best places we know for warblers.

The evening was no exception, with the usual suspects, Chestnut-sided and Yellow Warblers singing cheerfully, as were a couple of Common Yellowthroats. There was a Northern Waterthrush hanging around and a Black-throated Green Warbler too. 

Best by far for me though was a Canada Warbler bouncing around the brush foraging and chirping contentedly. Made my day. However, in the dim light and with a slowish camera I never got a photo.

Maybe next time.

Had the first lettuce from the garden last night and it was right tasty. The woodchucks and Liz's darned rabbit think my stuff is tasty too. If I didn't grow most things in old watering troughs and half barrels there would be none left for us. What the rabbit doesn't eat he digs up.

As it was while I was inside this morning one of the villains ate the sunflowers and scarlet runner beans out of the tub by the door. I am not pleased.

However, even after a hot spell with the weed whacker and a mess of other chores I am downright pleased with the day. June is about as good as it gets and I am going to enjoy as much of it as I can...except the varmints of course. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

What's this Bug?


Actually I believe that these are flies, not bugs, but I would love to know what they are beyond that generality.

We found them a couple of days ago near the Sara Lib Road quarry.

Also, here are some dragonflies that need monikers. 

Thanks in advance! (If they were birds I would either know, or know where and how to look...insects, not so much)

And while we are at it, I forgot the name of this millipede. I don't think it's Milly, but it might be.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Happy Father's Day

 To the Father of the best kids in the world (some prejudice in play here) and a darned good companion for lo, these many years.

To the fathers of our grandbabies.
(Also among the world's most outstanding children... much loved by Grandpa and Grandma Friers)

To my beloved brothers, great dads as well.

And to my dad in Heaven. Thanks for the Hooded Warbler yesterday, Dad. What a delightful life bird on such a special day.

BITD, my favorite auctioneer

Love to all. Hope your day is all you could wish.

Monday, June 05, 2023

The June Garden

 ...is a demanding mistress.

Yesterday I....

Transplanted watermelon seedlings outside. Two years ago we saved seeds from the best melons we ever tasted, purchased from an Amish family up on Lynk St. Last summer I tenderly sprouted them, planted them out and watched them grow into lovely grey-green circles of fuzzy leaves with cute little yellow flowers. I couldn't wait to see the melons come.

And then something...woodchuck, deer, bunnies, pixies, or garden sprites ate them right to the root. I was sad. Yesterday there were two deer right on the lawn, listening calmly as Liz lectured them on the folly of eating our veggies and fruits. They did not seem impressed.

So this year I put the melons in a barrel. A lot more care but maybe...just maybe.

Planted a few green and purple beans, also in a large container. You can't fight Mother Nature.

Watered everything. There are a LOT of things.

Made a set of deer repellent devices out of parts of broken laundry bars, fabric softener sheets and rubber bands...maybe

Uncovered the tray of paprika peppers I am attempting to grow for Becky. Remind me to never try peppers in peat pots again. Peppers do not like peat. Germination was abysmal and there are only a couple of spindly sprouts, only one in true leaf stage, after weeks and weeks in the big windows and a couple in the mini greenhouse on the porch. Ugh.

Pulled leaf segments off the various holiday cacti we have and stuck them in the vacant peat pellets. Maybe...

Built, with Ralph's help, a little plant table out of stuff that was lying around the yard and stuck two of the 11 sweet basil plant pots I for some reason, known only to my gardener heart, started this year.

Planted more cannas in front and side yards. And yes, there are more if you want some...maybe you do!

Potted the new yellow mini canna I indulged myself with and set it out. I think it is done blooming for this year, but the leaves are pretty....next year...maybe.....

Finished the destruction of the Ginger Mint barrel, which broke really badly when I tried to move it earlier. Potted a big pot for me, stuck some in the ground, and made a pot for Liz, as a ready made herb garden is part of her birthday gift this year. So far I have Sweet Basil, Orange Mint, Catnip, Golden Lemon Balm, Chives, Thyme, and now Ginger Mint. I have a couple more mints to pot up ready for her. And Walking Onions if she wants some. Ooh, and Garlic Chives too. We usually have lots of them from seed each year. Matt brought me pots! What fun to fill them!

Moved two half barrels Matt brought me, weeded same. Oddly enough I lost my last Wall Pepper last year. It is a kind of soft, creeping sedum, which I have carted from house to house since I was 18 and in college. Matt was cleaning up and asked if I wanted these barrels. As I container garden as much as possible (dog lazy I am) of course I said yes.

Lo and behold, two of them were full of Wall Pepper from plants I gave him previously.

How nice is that?

Ate the volunteer lettuce in the green planter so I can stick a mater in there. It was tasty.

More stuff too, I just can't remember. I was outdoors playing in the garden almost all day. Made meatloaf burgers and mashed taters for supper. Crashed. Slept.

Today...hopefully...more cannas to plant. Seven tomato plants that need to get in the ground. 

May and June are my favorite months, what with migration, gardening, and generally bearable weather. They never last long enough.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Century Run


When birders seek, either in teams or individually, to find 100 species of birds...or more...within a 24 hour period within a predesignated area.

Our team started at 4:22 last Saturday, after Ralph kindly got up to take me to the bottom of the driveway to meet George Steele, leader for the day, and his friend, TA, who joined us for the day. First bird was a Killdeer George heard. We finished at 7:26 with a House Finch in the parking lot at St. Mary's

Between those times we looped all over Fulton and Montgomery Counties ending up with 101 species, fewer than many of the big teams found, but quite satisfying, at least to me.

Highlights for me were finally finding the first Indigo Bunting of the year...I think they have been hiding from me...a Mourning Warbler, singing beautifully at Schoharie Crossing, a Common Loon that obligingly showed itself at the same spot, five of the traditional woodpecker 6-pack, both cuckoos, both waterthrushes...and both in odd places...and a FOY Blackpoll Warbler.

I think you can view the list here, as I made it public.

It was quite a day and I look forward to the next time. Thanks to George for driving all those miles and planning the whole affair, and to Tom for good company and fascinating stories of rare birds in far-flung places. I believe a good time was had by all.

This mama Common Merganser and the kids were
in a stream right in the city of Amsterdam

Monday, May 15, 2023

Edgar Allan Warbler Fallout


Swamp Sparrow, giving me a good look

I have always wanted to experience a warbler fallout, when multiple species of migrating warblers land to forage together before moving on to wherever they will nest. I am sure I will never get to Texas to enjoy the big ones, where thousands of birds "fall out" after crossing the Gulf of Mexico during northward migration...

However, yesterday the boss and I stumbled upon a mini one and it was downright awesome.

We had gone to Cline Road Marsh, his Mother's Day gift to me, and just what I wanted too. One size fits all birders and you just never know....

I have been hoping to find a Sora there or a Least Bittern...or any bittern for that matter...as other birders have, but that didn't happen. However it is an utterly magical place, near people for sure, but full of wild right to the brim. The Virginia Rails started cackling before I was even out of the car!

Gray Catbirds A'courting

After I had spent as much time as I wished wandering up and down the gravel road between the waters admiring and attempting to photograph an elusive little Marsh Wren and all the other good denizens of the place, the boss drove me around the loop road toward the west side of the marsh.

The first hint of anything exiting was a Magnolia Warbler singing in the brush. Although I see them most years down here in our home county I had never seen them in the county to the north. Then came a Black-and-white. A few yards down the road a Northern Waterthrush was screaming its heart out over and over, another Maggie, a Nashville.

Barn Swallow

And then Merlin picked up a life bird for me. Well, actually two of them, counter singing.

Canada Warblers! 

I kinda saw one once, a fraction of a second glimpse of just the bright yellow breast and the necklace of darkness. I didn't count it. However, I counted the new ones as I had half a dozen good, clear recordings to show that they were really there. Also heard a call of a Black-throated Green, but only once and Merlin didn't pick it up so I didn't count it.

I could have stayed all day, but I hate to make the boss suffer in the car while I play like that.

However, it was about the best Mother's Day gift I could ask for...I had told him, please don't buy me anything, just take me birding!

Female Red-winged Blackbird

And now we come to the Poe-esque part of the story.

What the heck is up with these ridiculous ravens anyhow?!? Ralph said he saw them on the house steeple the other day. Thus when I heard a faint croak and saw a tiny Downy Woodpecker frozen in terror, clinging to the suet feeder, I went outside to look.

Sure enough, there they were, glaring down at the yard like dark demons of the underworld.

I cussed them roundly and they flew off, dragging a trail of grackles behind them. Devil monsters! What do they want with our yard anyhow? 

Give me a good warbler any day!

Excuse the shaky end to the video below. I thought to delete it, but decided not to.

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Quoth Me at the Ravens


Nevermore.....please, nevermore.

I was sitting right here in this very chair, yesterday morning pretty early. I hadn't done a bird list yet, and I make at least one every day to keep my streak going...currently at 2320 days and counting. A Common Raven called above, so I started a list with it and added the House Wren that was singing on the porch, and a Song Sparrow from the yard as well.

As I started to rise to go outside and collect a proper list the raven flew right past the big window with three crows in hot pursuit.

By the time I got outdoors camera in hand, it was streaking around the yard trailing crows and grackles like a bride with a really weird train on her gown. Macabre indeed.

Soon the big bird landed on the heifer barn roof, promptly joined by another of its ilk. We have observed that ravens are colonizing silo ladders for nest platforms and we have both an old tile silo near that barn, plus the slide chute for the haymow, which would make a great platform. I believe that one of those things was the lure for these birds.

The neighbors though were full of hate. They bombed. They screamed. They were as brave as little flying tigers, bopping the ravens on their heads, eliciting screeches of outrage. Soon the second bird flew away and was seen no more.

The first one was a toughie though. It stayed even when I walked right over to take photos and video. The crows had to call for reinforcements and came back more than tripled in numbers. 

After a dedicated onslaught of crow after crow after crow, stooping, pecking, and biting, with a few furious grackles thrown in, the raven finally tossed in the towel and took off south. I was pretty relieved.

Although I haven't seen any reports of ravens harming livestock here in the East, they are a scourge out West. I won't tell you what they do to newborn lambs and calves, but it is awful. Look it up....And we have lotsa baby lambies.

Much to my dismay, there was a raven up in the orchard yesterday afternoon...still beleaguered but stubborn. Below is a video I took of some of the action yesterday. Crank up the volume to get an idea of how upset the locals were. Excuse the traffic noise. It's a constant misery here but it is what it is.

Monday, May 08, 2023

Magic in Woods and Water


Pileated Woodpecker

According to the calendar the first day of Spring came late last month. Here in the real world though, it was yesterday. They just don't make weather like that any more. First thing in the morning we went to the boat launch at Schoharie Crossing SHS. Before I even had my binoculars hooked to my harness we saw Lesser Yellowlegs right in front of the car. By the time the visit was over I was able to photograph five of them, the two Greater Yellowlegs with them, three Spotted Sandpipers, and saw, but did not capture, a Solitary Sandpiper. I was even able to record the calls of the Lesser crew. That was the first time in at least two years that we had encountered them, although we see Greater all the time. 

Five Lesser and one Greater Yellowlegs

Greater Yellowlegs

Contrast in size if you happen to catch them together

The elusive Lesser Yellowlegs

Then we went to Yankee Hill Lock, where there were scads of good birds, although very few warblers yet. There was a mighty banging right next to the bike path, but for the longest time I couldn't find the woodpecker source of the racket. Turns out I was peering up into the tops of the trees, while the bird was working over a log on the ground. Talk about mysterious!

Along the way

Next the boss shanghaied me off to McFadden's Plow Days. I did not expect to spend the whole visit grinning from ear-to-ear, but I did. All those fine farm men running that amazing machinery, plowing and fitting the ground so beautifully! I have a lot of video and photos to edit and upload....soon, I promise...very soon.

Late in the evening we ran up to Cline Road Marsh, hoping to catch up with a friend there. We missed communication somewhere along the road, but the birds were eager to come right out and meet up. Ralph just barely (quick sidestep) missed being not-photo bombed by a bunch of noisy Branta Canadensis, and the rails came right out in the road to peer at me with nervous eyes. It was the perfect ending to one of the best days I've had in ages.

Virginia Rail

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Sparkly Horse Rescue...Lonely No More


Lost at sea on an empty black futon, a sparkly purple pony was sad and alone.

Who would save him from sailing the barren carpet seas, unhugged and unloved, just a solitary pony in a friendless, icy world?

But lo, on the horizon, a heroine arose. Small Bailey Rae, intrepid rescuer of lonely ponies has come to save the day. A hug. Some loving. Perusal of the fish tank with much enthusiasm ensues.

From then and hence, a loving pair of arms always holds him close.

**Pony designed and created by Becky for Bailey Rae especially. To say that he was a big hit is to put it mildly.