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Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Coyote explains

A Coyote at the Dog Show offers his take on the blog readability tool. Works for me.


Windyridge said...

For my 3 blogs I had college,elementary and high school! I guess I have diverse writing styles!

threecollie said...

WR, I sure had a lot of fun with it...amazing results on some things.

Stacy said...

I've always thought the media, science or whoever is responsible (Al Gore?) are scaring the wits out of people prematurely. I can remember being taught in the 70's following some pretty severe winters that we were on the verge of another ice age. The fact is, our climate does change and all the time. Solar activity affects it, I'm sure polution affects it, as well as many things, but we've been around a very short time in the span of history....we just don't know how it plays out. We're guessing. Educated guessing, but guessing.

Stacy said...

Oops! I just realized that I clicked on the blog link rather than the link to the specific post. I was talking about something completely unrelated. LOL! (story of my life)

threecollie said...

Stacy, the really scary thing is that it made perfect sense to me and I very much agree with you...