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Thursday, November 08, 2007

Scouting bucks

The boy just bought a new barrel for his 500 6-shot Mossberg pump 12-gauge. He bent the original barrel when he was nearly struck by lightning while turkey hunting, (he threw it, ran and rolled when he felt his hair standing up straight) just weeks after he bought it after saving his money for a whole year. The new one is a 24", rifled barrel, ported, with a Bushnell Sportsman 3-9 by 32 scope. He is hoping that poachers don't beat him to the buck he saw last week, which, from the photo he took through my binoculars, looks like a pony with antlers. It amazes me how big deer get on a corn and alfalfa diet.

Alphecca had an interesting post today linking to a TU article about Chuck Schumer wanting to gain more hunter access to farm land. He wants to throw twenty million of federal money into that project. Good manners and attention to safety on the part of hunters would probably help more. The fellows who come in and shoot all the deer before hunting season and tag them as being shot up north where it is open make problems for the honest guys. It gets to the point where you would rather have deer and turkeys eat a third of your crops than let some of the maniacs from the city hunt your ground. We can grow more crops, but the guy who ordered Alan off our own fields at gunpoint two years ago caused a lot of other hunters to see posted signs when they hit our boundaries. Then there are the three kids from our local town who were apprehended while RUNNING after a deer, while shooting at it....right where the guys were working. Sad


Anonymous said...

Wow! How great that your son was was fast-thinking! Yikes!

Yeah, we have idiot hunters here too. You hit the nail on the head. A little safety and manners go a long way.

threecollie said...

AMWD, I was so glad that we had coached him on this all his life. We live in a high-lightning area and frequently warned all the kids how to handle that situation. He is terrified of lightning now and it embarrasses him terribly.

Cathy said...

Actually, both those stories are harrowing, but the lightning is a natural phenomenon and your son is a quick thinker. But those hunters confronting your husband!! How totally creepy.

threecollie said...

Cathy, it was pretty scary, and actually it was Alan at whom they pointed the gun. He was only fifteen at the time. We called the police and they did find some guys in a white car pulling away from the back of our property. However, it was a sort of a he said, she said situation and no charges were filed. That was when we posted every inch of the place.

Windyridge said...

My husband shot a 6 point with his bow yesterday. It was his biggest taken by bow. He saw over 20 deer that day!

Yeah we have a poaching problem here too. Didn't know about the use of North County tags.

I make my kids go out to the bus stop with orange hats the 1st week of gun season. We used to make sure the horses were in the barn too.

threecollie said...

WR, congratulations to him on the buck and you to on having venison. Alan got two nice bucks last fall, but we have none left.
Good idea on the orange hats. Kids have been killed right next to the bus (by idiots). We keep the Jersey cows and the horses in opening day and the first couple of weekends. Jerseys look way too much like deer to take chances with them. Friends of our had their goat shop right in front of their picture window..while they were looking out it!