What would have happened if either of the two parties, each of which had the world by the reins with great big majorities in recent administrations, had actually taken the pulse of real people, living real lives, with real jobs and real budgets, and (acting within the guidelines set out by the Constitution), actually done what folks wanted and needed? Those of us who keep our eye on Washington have had some pretty scary moments over the past few years as laws that will hurt us are formed. promoted, and passed without regard for reality.
(btw oftentimes I think that what people need most is for their politicians to sit down and shut up...during the so-called crisis in NY when the Senate didn't go to work, no bad legislation was passed. The Farm Labor poison pill they have ready for NY to swallow fell by the wayside during that period and they haven't managed to prop it up yet..not for lack of desperate effort...It is back on the table now and NY legislators need to hear from folks who oppose it...today would be a good time to call.)
Having been followed around for the past couple of decades by legislation-wielding politicians with regulatory clubs the size of redwoods I don't know the answer, but it's an interesting concept. Or maybe it isn't and I am just not awake yet. Liz made it safely to Iowa after numerous flight delays, which had us all huddled by the phone fretting.... we are all pretty sleepy this morning.....
I dunno, it's morning and I have to go to work. I'll think about this later. I am graining the cows now with a list Liz made me so I need to get myself in gear.
Here is a story on the NY Farm Labor Bill
Here is a petition State Senator Darrell Aubertine has up opposing the so-called compromise bill.
Of Childhood
52 minutes ago
I am glad that Liz made it ok. Good luck on the chores.
Sounds like home on the last part. :) So and so gets this and if so and so get scours give this NOT this and if you think and so forth and so on.
Glad she made it there OK, thankfully she didn't have a change at Chicago (did she?) They are the worst for delays or so I've heard.
And I can't get into politics so early in the morning. It makes me ill to even think of what they are doing to us under the lies of I'm HELPING you.
I'm glad Liz made it.
I truly believe our government is a huge, broken machine that needs to be unplugged for a while. Too bad that can't happen because they are "helping us" right into the ground.
I'm glad Liz made it okay. On the political scene there really needs to be a huge shake up and put in people who are NOT politicians but care about our country and people in it.
glad liz made it okay.
*sigh* amen. these people get into office and go bug nuts, cramming through everything their particular dogma wants and they never stop to consider that we aren't voting for them. we're voting against the other wingnut. then they're shocked when they lose the next election and the other side thinks we're voting for them and the merry go round never ends.
personally, i don't believe in the concept of politician. do your civil duty for a term or two and then get back to your life, aka reality. i think we'd all be better off.
Lisa, thanks, she will come home this afternoon....I have missed her so much.
Sara, exactly. I have had the grain list in my pocket all week. lol the boss can't grain them any more...or shouldn't...because he doesnt' know who is who any more.
SC Momma, thanks, and well said..they are alas doing just that and very quickly too!
Linda, I read a fascinating thing about Medieval guilds and lawyers being one that was allowed to survive and how they are so powerful in governing because of it. I am not sure i understood what I read...or if it contained any truth at all, but it sure was interesting and food for thought. Maybe if lawyers weren't allowed to run for office....lol
Ericka, hear, hear! The best representation we have in our area is regular people, who have regular jobs upon which they depend for the majority of their income...especially small businessmen. They understand the real world.
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