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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

HSUS Rates the Legislators

New York: Gillibrand100
Schumer 83
Tonko 77

I won't tell you how I feel about this, but I'll bet you can guess.
Check your legislators here....warning pdf


Jan said...

California has several 100%ers, not surprisingly.

joated said...

Happy to see my two D senators got only a 50% and my congressman (R) got a perfect 0 with seven big red Xs.

HSUS is a prefect example of worthlessness. They fund raise like crazy on the pretext of caring for animals, yet spend almost nothing in the way of shelters, habitat protection or anything else that actually, you know, helps animals.

Almost every penny they rake in goes to politics, their own administration and fund raising.

threecollie said...

Jan, it isn't surprising, is it?

Joated, wish there were a few more of that kind of zeros up here in the Empire State! And ditto on hsus