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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


colleen said...

What kind of flower? You knew we were going to ask....

~ Sara ~ said...


lisa said...

Think in spring!

DayPhoto said...

Spring...oh it's coming.


Ericka said...

i see green! it's on its way. really, it is!

threecollie said...

Colleen, these were the bulbs of walking onions. Wonderful things..the little bulbs form on top of the onion stalk and fall down and root, resulting in more onions and giving them their name. These melted up out of the snow and I brought them inside to plant in a pot full I am growing indoors for cooking.

Sara, indeed!

Lisa, thinking hard every day

Linda, can't wait for it

Ericka, blue was my favorite when I was a kid, but the older I get the better I love green!