The day the first post appeared here. It's been a great five years. Thanks for riding along and sharing via the comments!
March 10, 2025
4 hours ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
Congrats! I have always enjoyed this blog. I don't comment a lot but I read it every day!
5 years! Wonderful!
Have you ever considered creating a book from this blog? It would be an amazing piece of history that posterity might appreciate (especially if all our farms go to China :( ). It would be like a farmer's diary from the Information Age.
Congrats on your anniversary. May you see many more.
I've enjoyed coming here daily. YEAH five years! Congrats!
Hey! Congrats on 5 years of daily views inside a TRUE family farm.
Keep up the excellent work!!
We're about the same age. It's been a fun journey.
Hey! Happy anniversary!
(Or is it "Birthday"?
Or maybe "Blogversary"?) your take on all things dairy...and more.
Happy anniversary! I love coming here, you're one of my very favorites! I love the annual sunflower or black eyed susie....ours are blooming now too!
What Jinglebob said - I sure check in every day. Your place is a "don't miss" in my book. Congrats!
congratulations! and happy anniversary!
oh, and just go here:
and pick a category. :-)
happy browsing!
We always love seeing and talking to you and it is even better now that we can always catch up just by coming to your blog!
Congratulations. 5 years is a long time and you're still very interesting.
5 Years! Congrats!
I echo all the comments that others made - lots of good reasons to enjoy a daily visit here. But Cathy M's comment brought me up short - "5 years is a long time and you're still very interesting." I thought about that, and I looked back over a list of bookmarked blogs - most of which I don't visit any more, and many of which no longer exist.
I could write many paragraphs of analysis (!), but suffice it to say that there are good reasons to visit here every day. Thanks for all you put into this!
Five years! Huzzah! you do take the most beautiful pictures.
JB, thank you. I appreciate that you take the time and I much enjoy your blog too. My mama forwarded that post on Sarah to everyone she knew after I sent it to her
Rebecca, thank you. I do often think about making a book from my newspaper columns, but time just gets away from me...but it is an idea I wish I could pursue.
Linda, thanks, as I said to JB, thank you for stopping by and reading and for your much appreciated comments. It has been great getting to know you long distance.
FC, thanks, it has been great to get to "know" the Pure Florida crew over the years.
Jan it has!
Joated, thank you. I love reading about what you and Terry do as well. What an exciting summer you are having!
Linda, that goes both ways. I hate to miss a single post about your prairie world or any of your wonderful pictures. Someday that calendar will happen...thanks
Jeffro, thank you. You are one of my favorite blog folks!
Ericka, thank you so much for stopping by and for your comments for which I am always grateful.
And thanks for the link...can't wait to get to it!
Lisa, ditto to you guys too. Thanks!
Cathy M, that is high praise indeed and I thank you for it. I love your soapbox by the way.
NW, thank you. That you take time to visit and read means a very great deal to me. Could you use a few green beans? Mine have gone insane and we are not exactly short of them. lol
Earl, thank you. I like to take pictures....and it is a lot more fun when I can share them.
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