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Monday, December 19, 2011

Nice Christmas News...NOT

So we get a call today that a person, who shall remain nameless (nobody you know) messed up the milk checks and we have to give back some of this month's pay.

 This tiny little clerical error will be nice Christmas news for hundreds of farmers in the region. Some of them make a lot of milk and probably owe back thousands. Which, because of high input costs, is certainly already spent.

 Everyone makes mistakes, but this is a big one.


Rev. Paul said...

Oh ... not good.

R.Powers said...

Re: Kindling.
Shoot me an email with the address again.
Merry Christmas!

Cathy said...

So. There is a Grinch.

But there's also Santa's helpers.

Floridacracker proves my case :)

lisa said...

That just plainly sucks! Matt has had that happen to his paycheck and also not getting the right amount also!

Terry and Linda said...

OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh! NOT GOOD!


threecollie said...

Rev. Paul, it isn't going to mean a huge lot of money for us, but for a lot of folks it is going to be a pretty big deal.

FC, You are so darned nice. If you will let me pay the postage I would love to do so. And Merry Christmas to everyone at PF headquarters!

Cathy, FC is a champ. Some years ago he collected a little barrel of fat wood kindling from Pure Florida and sent it north to Northview. It lasted for years, starting fires on those hard days when it was too wet or too windy or just too discouraging. Wonderful stuff....wonderful family down there in the sun lands

Lisa, Next time we talk I will tell you the full story., What a mess!

Linda, yeah a big bah humbug to certain individuals.

Jinglebob said...


threecollie said...

JB, Liz has the unenviable job of calling all her farmers to tell them. Amazingly every single one of them so far has been nice as can be about it. Good folks...or just used to bad news.