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Saturday, January 28, 2012

What has it Got in its Pocketses?

A recent comment reminded me of a long ago incident that etched itself quite solidly in my memory.

Before the boss and I were married I worked on a much larger dairy, milking around three times as many cows as we do now. One of my duties was overseeing a series of young men as they learned to milk cows and work in the milking parlor and dairy barn. 

There was a series because as fast as they were trained to do farm work...to show up at five AM, milk cows, climb on a tractor or up in the haymow and work til evening milking, then milk again, then maybe get on a tractor again....they found easier work elsewhere. It wasn't the pay, because our boss paid really well.

It is a well-known fact that̶ I̶ ̶a̶m̶ ̶b̶o̶s̶s̶y̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶h̶e̶c̶k̶ delegate tasks quite well.

Which I suppose may be behind what happened one day. I had milked both milkings with the trainee of the day. We didn't really get along all that well....I must admit that he was not my favorite kid to work with and I wasn't sorry when he inevitably moved along to greener pastures far away from real pastures. Guess I wasn't his favorite either.

Anyhow at the end of the day the boss kindly drove me to the grocery store. We shopped. I paid (we were only dating at the time.) I went to put the receipt in the back pocket of the clean jeans I had left hanging in the barn storage room so I could change after work.

There was already something there. It was soft and about the size of the plastic baggies I carried my lunch of diced apples to work in. I pulled it out to throw it away.

It was not a plastic bag.

It was a dead mouse last seen curled up on the storage room floor.

I screamed and flung the thing high in the air to the amazement of fellow shoppers and cash register girls. There was no question at all how it had found its way into my pocket.....

The boss was eager to track down my coworker, with mayhem on his mind (today he would point and laugh) but we threw the mouse in the trash and slunk out of the store... embarrassed half to death at my girly display.

The river is running fast and full of ice

No mayhem has ever been wreaked over the incident...but I have not forgotten.....


June said...

Considering some of the things that I read in the newspaper recently, a dead mouse in your pocket seems like a quaint and charming prank!

Cathy said...

OK. That's worse than my mouse incident. What a little creep! I'da gone after that s.o.b. ;)

Linda said...

You made my day! Great "tail". The worst thing I've ever found was the cod off a calf I'd castrated (three days after) that I'd shoved in there to defend myself from the kids throwing them at branding.

Nursejoan said...

Hilarious! You really did have a mouse in your pocket and, no, you weren't glad to see it! Well told tale. :-))

Terry and Linda said...

AHHH...he is a real hero!


Caroline said...

I see you are a Tolkein fan, too.

Great prank (for the prankster, not the prankee), and I can see why it would be a memorable one!

Ava said...

Oh my! That is quite a story! I would have hollered too if I pulled that out of my pocket! How rude!

Ava said...

Oh my! That is quite a story! I would have hollered too if I pulled that out of my pocket! How rude!

threecollie said...

June, lol, I am not really afraid of them or anything; it was just the sheer shock of finding the thing the way I did. lol

Cathy, As his supervisor at work, I did have tools at my disposal, heh, heh, heh....

Linda, yowsa! At least I found the mouse withing a couple of hours. That must have been a tad ripe. lol

Nursejoan, it was that quote that reminded me of the little beast (no, not the mouse, the guy that put it there) lol

Linda, back in the day at least....

Caroline, ah, yes, started reading them before a dog show back when I was 18. Never stopped....He did get me very well and even at the time, once I got over the shock of pulling a mouse out of my pocket, I had to laugh. It was pretty funny

Ava, sure got a laugh out of the other folks in the store. lol

Jan said...

My experience wasn't quite that dramatic, but a few years ago I bought a vintage jeans jacket from a thrift store over my lunch hour. That afternoon a mouse was caught in the break room.

When I left work I put on the jacket, put my hand in the pocket and just screamed. I felt something furry.

It turned out to be a large rabbit foot key chain from a former owner. But I was a long time living that one down.

Dani said...

*shudder* I'd been flappin' my arms all girly style.