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Monday, August 30, 2021

As Promised

ore of our wonderful beach day in the Outer Banks, one of my favorite spots in the whole world.

I love it there!


aurora said...

I’ve never been. Your photos are wonderful & make it look like a special place.

Terry and Linda said...

WOW! You are a delightful photographer! THANK YOU!

threecollie said...

aurora, I hope you get to go someday. It is better than anything I have seen from Virginia to Florida...accessible, all the facilities you could ask for, and yet wild and rustic. And thanks for your kind words!

Linda, thank you. The point and shoot camera and the incredible scenery make it easy...and fun.

Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Way back in 1991, my husband and I spent a whole month of October on the Outer Banks, way up at Corolla Light, as far north as the roads go. Ocean on one side of our rented house, a vast quiet sound surrounded by marsh on the other, wild horses left from when the Spanish brought them here back in the 16th Century. Very few people around that time of year, but lots and lots and lots of birds. Dolphins passing every day, and one day a whale swam by. The Outer Banks are beautiful beyond words. Thanks for these marvelous photos of both this wonderful place and your delightful family.

threecollie said...

Thank you, Jacqueline, I truly love it there. Just can't get enough of it!