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Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas


To all of you wonderful folks. If you have missed us...we have been sick. Really, seriously, horribly sick.

For weeks and weeks. We are kinda, sorta, more or less, better now, but in an abundance of caution we are not seeing the kids until sometime next month, to keep the baby safe from this Godawful plague.

It will be a boring holiday, but at least we all seem to have lived through the virus.

Hope you all have a terrific day....much love from Northview Farm.

Also, I don't think we would have made it without my sister-in-law, Lisa Montgomery. From chicken noodle soup and Body Armor to saltine crackers, which were often the only thing anyone could eat, she bravely dropped off stuff on the porch when we were too sick to think, let alone move. I cannot ever thank her enough.


aurora said...

Merry Christmas! Glad you had Lisa & are on the up & up. Take good care!!

threecollie said...

Thanks Aurora, Merry Christmas to you too. We are sure grateful to be feeling better!

Terry and Linda said...

Merry Christmas! I am glad you are starting to turn around. Yes, You have been missed.

Shirley said...

So glad you made it through that nasty virus. I had it in August so I know what you went through. All I could eat for a while was a little bit of toast and honey.
On the bright side, you all probably have a natural immunity to any further variants.
Hopefully you get to enjoy the rest of this Christmas season.

Cathy said...

Oh Marianne! I'd missed this . . . bless your heart and yes! . . bless Lisa! What a year . . . what a year . .. More {{Hugs}}!!

threecollie said...

Linda, thanks!

Shirley, it has been hard to get back to eating. Becky and I are doing a lot better, but we have to push Ralph to eat and he has lost a terrible amount of weight. Very worrisome

Cathy, thanks and hugs to you both as well.