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Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Empire Farm Days

Sunrise yesterday...today we will be seeing it in the rear view mirror....

Because we are off to Empire Farm Days, perhaps the biggest farm show in NYS.....gonna to be a hot one but she's tough....she's a harbor chick.

As long as there is a wildlife refuge for dessert....

Meanwhile, here's an old Farm Side, if you need some reading material for the day.

Dessert....so to speak....

Monday, August 06, 2018

Fair Work

Dr. Lucas

It wouldn't be late summer without a visit from our trusted farm veterinarian,here to do the health work so the animals can go to the fair.

So far this year assorted poultry have already traveled to the fairgrounds to get their pullorum tests. Liz's show flock is tested under NPIP. I used to show chickens....back in the day...but the state vet came to the farm to test back then.

The steer

Today the little steer got his certification for the show. He received some vaccines and tests and a general looking-over to get him ready. 

This was Dr. Lucas DiFiores' first visit to the farm, but Midvale Veterinary Clinic has been taking care of our animals since before the boss and I even knew each other. I could tell you many stories of animal health care here on the farm and probably already have.

In fact, here are a couple from days gone by: If you are thirsty for more, just type the word "vet" in the search box at the top of the page and go.

Fair work

A Real Emergency

Herd Health

Another Herd Health

An old story about a now-retired Midvale Vet we loved to tease for years and years and a cow I came to really care for. Cows like "Dead", as she was called, were part of what made farming a lot of fun. If you read any of these, read this one first.

Another emergency

As you can see from these stories, we have had a long and positive history with Midvale, It's good to see the kids continuing the tradition. The doctors who work there have always shown compassion for both our animals and the people who own them, while offering competent, up-to-the-minute medical care and preventative planning as well. There are many aspects of dairy farming that I really miss, and our great doctor/client relationship is one of those. It was nice to say hi to Dr. Lucas and take a couple of photos down in the old heifer barn.

Checking out the sheep

Sunday, August 05, 2018

Chance Encounter

We met some dogs down by the river today and had a great time visiting with them. We liked watching them enjoy themselves, all the while behaving perfectly and paying attention to their folks.

They were lovely pups with elegant manners, eager to please and simply delightful to encounter. 

Their people were friendly and pleasant too. We were tickled to run into them while they were giving the pups a little river time this morning. One nice doggie, Willow, I believe, sat down every time she saw me point the camera....at a Great Blue Heron...because she is trained to sit for photos.

The ladies asked the boss to take a group photo for them, but he was not comfortable using the technology of a strange phone, so they waited for me to return from chasing birds up the aqueduct. They gave me permission to share my own pics of them too.....so....we drove away grinning from ear to ear.

Good dogs, nice folks

For Scott

Good Morning


Saturday, August 04, 2018

Carolina Wrens

Look....Probably a youngster. Thanks again, Jonna, for the wonderful feeder

They're back! We stopped seeing or hearing them in late winter after seeing them almost every day all last year. They returned in mid-summer with a brood of three youngsters, hung around the feeders for a couple of days and were gone again.

Yesterday I was awakened by the strident cheering of one of my favorite birds.

Today he was singing on both of the front porches, while what appear to be a second set of young birds eat peanuts on the feeders.



The Carrot and the Stick

First the stick....the boss wants me to go to Empire Farm Days with him. It's a brutal drive and once you get there you have to walk down miles of aisles of shiny farm machinery....miles....

I used to love to go, couldn't wait and all. It was fun to gather up the stud catalogs so we could choose the bulls we would use to breed the cows, always hoping for something really special next year. I loved the breed association booths, and seeing salesmen who had become friends, and the excitement of seeing it all. However, I am no longer 20, nor 30, not 40, nor 50. Not even 60.....walking all day in the hot sun in a muddy hay field has little appeal.

Still he is good to me and takes me birding almost every day. Since the beginning of the year we have counted 156 species of birds. That's the best ever for me and better than the whole year last year.

And then there's the carrot....if I suffer through the monumental horror trek up the terrifying length of the Thruway and walk through the mud to all those tractors and balers and all, he will take me around the Montezuma wildlife drive on the way home.

I looked at some recent checklists from there....we'll almost certainly see Pied Billed Grebes, Purple Martins, possibly Blue-winged Teal, Redheads, and who knows what else that I am missing for my state list this year....someone even spotted a Black-crowned Night Heron yesterday! I's sure like to see that.....And I could surely get a Farm Side column out of it....

So....do I go...or do I stay home and man the decks here? Hmm.......

Friday, August 03, 2018


Linda, this is a watermelon from the seed you sent me. I love it!

"Hey Mom, what's for supper?"

"French Toast."

"Guess I'm gonna be enjoying that then."

....say what!?!??

But yeah, our boy, whom we don't see so very often, was sent to run a job in Albany for a day by his company, so he spent the night here.


He didn't eat any French toast not being in the mood for it, but we sure had a nice visit.

Meanwhile, we are pretty sure we found the wood thief...not that we can really prove it, but.... We spent some time re-marking the wood with even brighter paint anyhow.

Also finally found blueberries. The folks we buy them from normally have either been sold out or just haven't had any so we...or at least I...have been bereft.

Then my mama shared a post from an orchard up near Johnstown, so we went and bought four quarts. Just finished freezing some. You evidently shouldn't wash them before freezing, but rather later when thawed, so that went quickly. I did make sure to pick out all the slightly squashed, smushed, odd-colored, and various "bad" berries for immediate consumption.

They all tasted just fine. Now it is raining with flash flooding watched and warned. Not much good for birding, or getting the beans picked and frozen, but it is what it is.

And the Four O'clocks!! Such Heavenly colors!
Thank you so much!

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Emphasis on Ag

Our kids all went to SUNY Cobleskill, studying subjects as diverse as Animal Science, Fisheries and Wildlife, Diesel Technology, and Archaeology. There are so many great programs offered there.

In fact I wish I had known that I could have gone there back in the day, rather than studying Liberal Arts in the county to the north. I learned to type reasonably well but....

Now instead of turning away from ag and ignoring local needs and issues as so many entities are, the school is adding innovative programs that I think are downright inspired.

Read all about it here

All in the Family



And three scruffy teenagers
Indigo Buntings, last night behind the barn.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Focus vs Situational Awareness

After most of a lifetime on a farm around potentially dangerous animals, definitely dangerous machinery, and possibly dangerous unexpected situations, I'm reasonably aware of what's going on around me....

Except when I'm on birds.

It's gonna get me killed some day.

The other night I was out on the gravel bar on the Schoharie after they let the river down for the rain event. Sandpipers, Yellowlegs, Killdeers and the like were gobbling something out of the mud and I was taking photos as fast as I could click.

A person walked up just out of my peripheral view and stood quietly waiting for me to finish....which took a while.....

Don't know how long she politely waited while I went crazy taking pictures, but I never saw or heard her at all...until I stopped to go back to the car.

Thankfully it turned out to be a nice lady who is a longtime friend of ours.....

Had it been a serial killer at least I would have died happy.

Some of us are nuts...

Another Week

Mysteriouser and Mysteriouser. Is it actually possible for a private citizen..of Connecticut no less...
to post state forest land? Hmmmmm.....

....Another bunch of research links from the Farm Side.

Feeding PA

China can't count on soybeans

Michigan donates too

Snapping up cheap soybeans

The real skinny

There were more....but I seem to have deleted them to make room for next week's fun...now to go delete all these.

That New York Traffic



Sunday, July 29, 2018

A Good Mistake

Cliff Swallows

Although, thanks to one of the county's finest birders, we know where to find and count Cliff Swallows each year, photographing them is a whole 'nother ball game. The place where they are known to nest is on a scary busy road. Stopping to point the camera can be life threatening.

And then...

The other day I rode up to L J Hands with the boss to get some paint to mark the wood pile at his cousin's house. Someone is pilfering when no one is there so.....

On the wire in front of the store were five swallows. A quick glance marked them as Barn Swallows, another species of which I had no photos....point, click, and then off to look and listen for other interesting birds to make a short list while the boss got his paint.

There was even a Wild Turkey crossing the road next to the parking lot....really you can bird anywhere......

Imagine my surprise when I took the photos off the camera a couple of days later and found that four of the five birds were indeed Cliff Swallows. Score!

Immature Barn Swallow...short tail with fleshy gape still visible at the corner of the beak

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Just Another

Black-billed Cuckoo, the first I have ever seen, although I have heard them

....walk on the farm

Mourning Dove

Indigo Bunting

Juvenile Cedar Waxwing

Downy Woodpecker

Savannah Sparrow

Common Yellowthroat