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Thursday, November 15, 2018

A Year in the Life

May 19...you can just "row out" the corn

May 25, a little fuller and fluffier
July 1

September 15

Also September 15

This morning

Of a cornfield near Schoharie Crossing SHS where we bird nearly every day. We visited last night at just before dusk and the farmer had just started. By early this morning it was over half done. I'll bet the next time we get down there it will be all finished. I imagine they are rushing to beat the nasty snow storm we are supposed to get tonight.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Gotta Rush

For the moment I can get online, but who knows how long it will last.... Yesterday right in the middle of writing the Farm Side the internet on just this computer turned itself off. The other ones worked just fine.

Becky and I worked all day trying to fix the problem but no go.

This morning when I woke up my mind had come up with a plan....uninstall my antivirus and reinstall it. So far so good. I love Avast, but it has done this before. Some setting gets changed that we cannot find, thus cannot fix.

But for now, I can get to all my stuff and do all my things, and believe me, that is just what I am doing.

Just as an aside, the roads are atrocious. Snow devils blowing everywhere, ice, and all the stuff that goes with it. Guess it's a good day to stay home.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Oh, What a Night

Last night was one for the books. Becky got out of work late, but we had to get groceries for two families, so off we went into the wilds of what was supposed to be rain and flurries.

Flurries my foot. Our instinctive inclination to prepare for bad was spot on...a lot more accurate than the weather forecast. A torrential downpour collided with 30 to 31 degree temperatures and Friday evening rush hour to produce a travel nightmare.

Worse still our boy and my brother and his son were all on the road home from their week of work in Connecticut. Many hours and many miles over very bad roads.

Even walking across the parking lot at Wally World was fraught with peril, as the half-frozen slush built up on every surface and melted just enough to get slipperier. It was worse on the roads.

Huge sigh of relief to get home last night and an even bigger one when we received notice that everyone else was home safe as well.

Today it is nearly 40 with a vigorous west wind and dripping but not actively raining. I wonder what the storm blew in by way of birds. I can hear chipping on the feeders already even though it is still pretty dark. All week there have been cute little Buffleheads on the river....they remind me of bathtub toys....and lots of good winter birds on the feeder. However, I am hoping for that Ruddy Duck, maybe a Pied-billed Grebe....or some Evening Grosbeaks would be nice.

Might as well dream, right?

Update, we went up to Herkimer County looking for some Cattle Egrets seen there two days ago. Missed them but got an utterly unexpected Golden Eagle so that was good.

Photos taken before the storm except for the crows

Friday, November 09, 2018


When you have pigs.

And chickens....

And your neighbors grow pumpkins

And Halloween is over and the patch is closed for the year....waste not, want not...the motto of the rural countryside

Gratuitous son and grandpuppy photo
from this weekend

Winter Business

Pink Lady, Honeycrisp, Northern Spy, and Granny Smith apples combined here

Making applesauce for us and for my mama, who thought some unsweetened style might be just the thing for difficult diet changes. Aunt Sandy taught me to make it years 'n' years ago, along with the process of preparing rhubarb sauce, the finest chuck roast ditto, and to tie my shoes as well. Impressive, huh? They just don't make aunts like that any more.

East wind blows nobody good

Or mamas like my mama either for that matter.

Where we park the car

While I've been cooking and counting finches on the feeder outside the kitchen window, the boss and Liz have been loading out hay for a customer and doing chores. Now the boss is fixing driveways with some gravel he had hauled in and moving firewood, ditto.

It doesn't even feel like work to scurry around preparing for the weekend and for the coming season. It is supposed to storm tonight and you can feel it....Makes you want to run around getting your nest ready for the bad. I think the birds do too, as things have been getting busier and busier as the sky has turned greyer and greyer.

And yet, the grass is still green......

A "drop" under the Winesap tree...not the kind I make the sauce with.
We get them at Bellinger's

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Good Bird

Schoharie Crossing SHS yesterday afternoon. Checked the point, turned toward the bay to count the gulls.

The boss started waving and gesturing from the car where he was waiting. Bird on the point, which I had just turned away from.

Great Blue Heron, a nice big guy. We see him all the time there.

Guess he sees us too, and finds us unimpressive, because when I turned back to check the confluence of Mohawk and Schoharie, he flew right over and landed a few feet from me.

Didn't bother to fly away at all, just walked into the river to look for fish.

Good bird.

Good model.


Clouds like smokey isinglass, sun from behind them like bouncing flames in the old wood stove in the shop when we were kids...back when mica made clear stone windows for stoves and when kids would ply the stoveblack on dull, rusty walls when needed...

Always in summer because winter stoves were busy.....

Stream-o-crows horizon to horizon, crow-go-home time, much closer to crow-go-out time than when the days are longer and brighter. Follow the river to the far west horizon and you can just barely spot them, dots of pepper at the white edge of the blue sky.

Ditto to the east, but overhead great big birds with a lot to say.....pepper to pepper, dust to dust. Caw.....caw.....caw.....

Water noisy in the wagon ruts and in the little freshet that runs down by the spring and in the fields themselves, muttering and chattering like so many blackbirds and fooling me every time.

A careful step is needed to wend in muddy rubber boots down coiling pathways from the hilltop toward the river.

It's pretty out there, the first sunny day in ages it would seem, but it's good to be down as well. Night is falling fast this 7th of November.

**Yes, I know mica and isinglass are not the same thing, but when we were kids they were synonymous and referred to the clear phyllocilicate  mineral used to make windows in old fashioned wood and coal stoves. The stuff would crack in layers and darken with smoke, forming magical patterns when the flames danced behind it.

Monday, November 05, 2018

We took to the Woods

The first thing i saw. I have been looking for this particular mum for ages
and look who has a yard full

We went visiting this weekend and had a high time. We were wined....literally...good stuff too....and dined. Ditto. We visited local attractions and I got to bird some new places, including this one.Now I have 24 Steuben County birds!

Couldn't decide which of these views from the backyard I liked best
so here are both

Anyhow, we had a nice weekend visiting two of our favorite folks in the world....thanks kids...

Thursday, November 01, 2018

Grey Poupon

Swamp Sparrow

I have a heated hoodie by Milwaukee that Alan bought me about three years ago. I love it. Even with the heat function turned off it is warm, roomy, and super comfortable. It's also in the washing machine just now.

You see, it is the perfect shade of grey for going birding....kinda blends in with everything else this time of year.

Thus yesterday I did a wonderful long, long walk on the farm, way up to the Old Pasture Lot and Old Spreader Field.

There were about a bazillion birds, including hundreds at the spring in the field behind the barn, the place I call my "hot spot" since I have seen so many goodies there.

Just one of the many fruit bats European Starlings there

Everyone, particularly myriad robins and starlings, was feeding on vitis riparia.

A distant Eastern Bluebird

We have a lot of that festooning everything that will hold it upright, and even running along the ground. The trees at the spring are dark purple with a veritable cornucopia of so much fruit you could fill a silo were you so inclined.

Birds eating grapes and flying overhead resulted in the title of this post, which you will find above.

 I guess I should be glad they weren't eating grape shot or cannonballs. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Princess Peggy


A shrubbery down at McDonald's getting into the spirit of the season

Rustle, clatter, shatter, shake

What's doing that spooky sound a make?

Something in the bushes is scaring me away

Wish the sun would come up this Halloween day

Star shine, rain drops, the sky is all confused. 

Ain't gonna lie, 

It ain't got me enthused.

Been quite a morning, the sun is not yet up. 

Going back indoors to coffee in my cup.

Excuse the bad rhyme. Here's a better oneWhat a strange start it has been to the strangest day of the year. All that noise was mulberry leaves....leaving.....they seem to all fall down the same day every single year. I was out with Mack in the starlit hours before dawn and heard all these strange noises from the Mulberry Express area. I was sure it was a deer or at least some bunnies, but it was just leaves falling all in a bunch. I'll bet most of them will be down by tonight.

The stars were out bright when I got up, but by the time I went out to hang up laundry...still in the dark...it was freezing raining. Yippee Skippy. And now the forecast is for 80% rain. As if it hasn't rained enough already.

Update: a little later the sun peeked over the eastern horizon, pretty much on schedule. It treated us to a cloud ruffled red sky auguring who knows what in the way of weather, and to a gigantic, brilliant rainbow, stretched all the way across an orange sky to the west. Pretty awesome! Now back to your regular programming....more rain....