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Wednesday, October 03, 2018


Large silage pile we passed yesterday
Check out the size of the tractor compared tot it.

If you are a farmer on any side of our international borders to the north and south you are no doubt interested in new agreements reached under the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Here is the first breakdown I have read so far today. I will be looking for more as news and analyses come out.


I have a few opinions, but I would like to read more before I share them. The dairy thing has been much misunderstood on both sides and it will be interesting to see how it plays out. One thing it won't do is fix the mess here in the US. That is going to take more than negotiating a little more market access. 

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Away to the Mountains

One of our dearest friends and for many decades our most trusted veterinarian, who cared for our cows and other animals with ever so much heart and skill, invited us to visit a historic Adirondack camp the other day.

It was stunning.....I won't even try to describe it. If you have ever visited such a place you will know....magic.....

As were the lakes, bays, and back roads she also took us to visit. Such a happy time and such fun to put "faces on the places" we have talked about for years. I never got farther into the 'Dacks than Pine Lake until I was out on my own. My first real Adirondack trip was to camp out in the rough at Tirrell Pond. That was like coming home to something I had never seen before. Deja vu and all. (We were the crazy ones who packed in butter, potatoes, and butternut squash to cook in foil in the coals for a feast. They were heavy but worth it.)

Anyone know what these giant birch-like trees might be?

Another time we went just after dusk on a shockingly cold winter night and heard frozen trees exploding all around us. Something else you could never forget.

This time we went up the other way through Old Forge and Inlet....

And fell in love all over again... this time with a fresh and different aspect of the Adirondacks than where we usually visit. We always tended more to the Speculator, Indian Lake, up to Tupper, side of things for no particular reason.

I also touched heads and exchanged greetings with one of the sweetest kitties I have ever met. Way to go Norman.

Anyhow, thanks Kris, for a day we will remember for a very long time....now to arrange that warbler watch morning...... 

Friday, September 28, 2018

Fifteen Years on the Erie Canal

A bit of Erie Canal history we visit several times a week

Or at least that's how the song went in my head last night as we listened to the High Kings play it at the Egg in Albany. They sang a slightly different, but also correct, version mentioning fifteen miles instead.

Can you believe that according to George Murphy they learned it just for our enjoyment at the show last night as they had made the trip from Albany to Buffalo so many times? How awesome is that! I sure enjoyed it, having learned the song in grade school and loved stories of the canal as long as I can remember. One of my favorite books when I was a kid was Molly's Hannibal, which you might enjoy if you like kids' historical fiction. The boss's great grandparents worked on the canal at one time.

There was plenty of other new-to-us material, as well as enough older favorites to get the whole crowd out of their seats, clapping, singing along, and downright enthusiastically at that.

Great fun, with the added treat of some lovely young Irish dancers from a local dance school performing to the rousing Whiskey in the Jar.

Thanks Becky for the tickets, and the boss for driving, especially for the trip home in greasy, gleaming rain that made it hard to see the road. I realized last night how many times these guys' songs are featured on the jukebox which plays pretty much continuously in the back of my mind. Not a bad thing.

Taken looking down at the water in one of the remaining locks on the canal

Happy Birthday

To Amber, our very dear new daughter-in-law. We love and miss you guys and hope you have a wonderful day and a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


A half-way decent shot of a Black-throated Green Warbler. I have several embarrassingly awful shots of them. However, today the yard was full of them. I swear every third bird was a BTGW. This one was foraging in the Winesap apple tree and held still for at least one whole second....just enough...

More Things

Tall tall trees

The Things you See

Question Mark


A Fluffy butt

Wilson's Warbler

A cutie heading off to school

Carolina Wren

Monday, September 24, 2018


Common Yellowthroat

The sun is slowly creeping over the horizon. I have been up for hours writing and working on stuff.

Magnolia Warbler

Time to reward myself with a quick trip outdoors to look for warblers and fall sparrows. We saw the first White-throated Sparrows of the fall season yesterday in two different locations. Plus over the past couple of weeks it has been a veritable warbler extravaganza here on the farm, with the year total reaching fifteen species....much to my excitement...

Blue-winged Warbler 7/28
Palm Warbler 4/27
Black-and-white Warbler 8/6
Blackburnian Warbler 5/5
Yellow Warbler 5/2
Common Yellowthroat 5/3
American Redstart 5/20
Pine Warbler 8/26
Black-throated Green Warbler 9/15
Magnolia Warbler 9/15
Blackpoll Warbler 9/12
Bay-breasted Warbler 9/19
Northern Waterthrush 9/20
Yellow-rumped Warbler 9/22

Ovenbird 7/13

***Update: Northern Parula this morning. My first ever!

What will this morning bring? Maybe only common birds...maybe something really cool.

You never know until you go look, so off I go. Talk to you later. 

Cathy, your warbler came to visit...Wilson's Warbler, one of my favorites

Friday, September 21, 2018

First and Last

Last of the Coneflowers

First Moonflower. Thank you Linda!

First Heavenly Blue, first thing this morning

Last Ruby-throated Hummingbird? Ours have been gone for a while,
so this one and her partner are probably passing migrants
I put the feeder back out, just in case the cannas run out of nectar
Of the season.

They were tremendously hungry and mostly ignored me

Oh, Honey

Tis the season of roadside stands and we have been taking full advantage. Winter squash from one Amish farm, apples from our favorite orchard, and tomatoes and homey from a new place we discovered in our travels.

I love honey but I won't buy it if it isn't local. Foreign honey is often of dubious quality and we have a number of excellent bee keepers in the area.

We stopped the other day at a stand on a rural road near here and bought some nice tomatoes and a little jar of honey.

It is wings down the best honey I have ever tasted. Like Mozart for your mouth, sweet, light, fragrant, and flavored just like you might think flowers would taste if you ate flowers. Better than orange blossom honey and that is saying something.

We went back for a second jar for me and one for my folks and may even go back for more before the season ends. Good stuff!

My new bench

Crew Cut

Corn is being harvested at a breathtaking rate around here. Corn crews are flying over the fields; the big corn trucks rumble down the roads at a scary pace, and the landscape looks different every time we drive by.

We went over to look at the stuff at the fall machinery auction yesterday and grabbed the video below of one of the big farmers actually chopping. Don't miss the bunnies late in the clip....they were in a big hurry to get out of Dodge.