Haven't done a meme in a long time, but this is too good to pass up.
Quoting from Lee Ann:
"Take the first sentence from the first post of each month of 2011. That’s your year in review. Tattle on yourself with your link in the comments if you give it a shot, particularly if yours works out better."
January: To all our good friends around the town and around the world.
February: Yeah, it is storming...again... For the most part for the past few weeks we have just caught the edges of the big storms that have pummeled the region.
March:We love pancakes!
April:The boss left early, Alan is at school, everybody else has to work and TWO cows are calving simultaneously.
May: About what will happen next.
June:This morning bloomed sharp and cool, with whistling winds and bright, thin sunshine.
July: We lost a hen last night up on the bowling green (yes, this old Victorian homestead sports an actual bowling green...not that, other than mowing it, we have a clue what to do with it.)
August: The more I read about this program the less I understand it and emphatically the less I like it.
September: Folks said that they were much too young to fall in love.
October: Jinglebob posted this link on the real result of letting folks exercise their Second Amendment rights.
November: Milk?
December: It is.